THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 101 The Opening of the Epping Forest Museum at Chingford. Saturday, November 2nd, 1895. To quote from the report of this meeting in "Nature" of November 7th, "the opening of this Museum. . . . . . .was in every respect an interesting ceremony, and marks a period in the history of the Essex Field Club, of which this active Society may well feel proud. Two or three years after the foundation of the Club in 1880, an informal meeting was held at the residence of Mr. E. N. Buxton, with a view to starting such a local collection, but the Conservators at that time had not long been in charge of the Forest, and they did not see their way to giving house-room for the Museum in the old Lodge known as "Queen Elizabeth's." The founders of the Club, however, have never lost sight of the desirability of having such a collection in the Forest district, and in February, 1894, a Special Meeting of local residents and others was convened, and a local sub- committee formed for the purpose of forwarding the scheme. A subscription list was opened, and a sufficient sum raised to warrant another application to the Conservators for the use of Queen Elizabeth's Lodge. This was granted, and the Banqueting Room, which from time immemorial has been unoccupied and devoid of fittings, has now undergone transformation into a Museum, which was declared open to the public as part of Saturday's proceedings." It is unnecessary to enter into full details here as to the progress of the fitting up of the Museum, as they will be given by the Hon. Curator (Mr. W. Cole) in his report to the Club at the Annual Meeting in March next. A pamphlet1 had 1 "A Short Account of the Epping Forest Museum." Chingford, November, 1895. On sale at the Museum. Price, 1d.