102 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. been drawn up by Mr. Cole descriptive of the Museum, for the purpose of giving visitors some idea of its purpose and scope, and the reader may be referred to this leaflet, and to the prospectus issued by the Local Committee in 1894, as well as to the Report of the Curator for information on these points. In anticipation also of the opening, Mr. I. Chalkley Gould prepared a description of his collection of Romano-British relics from Chigwell, which forms so interesting an exhibit in the Museum.2 Mr. Deputy R. C. Halse, Chairman of the Epping Forest Committee of the Corporation of London, very kindly consented to open the Museum, and he was Banqueting Room in the Lodge, before the Establishment of the Museum. supported by the presence of many Members of. the Epping Forest Committee, the Verderers, and the Superintendent of the Forest, Mr. F. McKenzie. A large and representative assembly of guests and members of the Club assembled at Mr. Butler's "Retreat," near the Lodge (kindly lent for the occasion), at about three o'clock, to receive the Chairman and Committee, who were driven over from Mr. Buxton's house at Buckhurst Hill. Mr. David Howard, President, received the company, and was supported by the Members of the Local Committee, including the Rev. A. F. Russell (Chairman), the Rev. W. T. Dyne, 2 "Notes upon the Romano-British Settlement at Chigwell, Essex. With a Description of the Articles exhibited in the Gould Loan Collection in the Epping Forest Museum." By I. Chalkley Gould. Chingford, 1895. Price, 6d.