110 NOTES ON ESSEX WORMS (OLIGOCHAETA). DESCRIPTION OF A SPECIES NEW TO BRITAIN (HENLEA VENTRICULOSA, D'UDEKEM), AND OF A GENUS AND SPECIES NEW TO SCIENCE (DICHAETA CURVISETOSA, FRIEND.), BOTH FROM ESSEX. By REV. HILDERIC FRIEND, M A., F.L.S. I.—Henlea ventriculosa, D'Udekem. IN May, 1892, I received from Mr. William Allen, a member of the Essex Field Club, a consignment of worms from the Essex side of London, the exact locality not being carefully defined. In addition to the earthworms were some specimens which did not then come in for treatment in connection with my series of papers1 on the terricolous species, and these I have hitherto failed to place on record. The publication of Mr. Beddard's "Monograph of the Oligochaeta" 2 having made it necessary for me to look over some of my old notes, I find it recorded that the species from Essex was Enchytraeus ventriculosus, D'Udekem. The genus has since been renamed Henlea by Michaelsen, and five well-known species placed thereunder. Little is known about the British species of Henlea, but I have recorded H. leptodera for Yorkshire, and, as far as I am aware, this is the first British record of H. ventriculosa. I made drawings of the worm when received which are sufficient to render the identification certain, though in one or two particulars my notes and drawings differ from the descriptions given by others. This may be due to the fact that the British forms have undergone slight modification. Mr. Beddard's definition is as follows : " Length, 15-20 mm.; number of segments, 60 ; setae straight or slightly bent to right or left, 4-9 : four oesophageal glands (and one pair of Spermathecae); hab., Germany, Denmark, Bohemia, Italy, Belgium, New Zealand, Asia ; terrestrial." I have drawings of the setae which are slightly curved, and my notes state that there are 3-5 in each bundle, thus differing from the type. Mr. Beddard says the four glands lie in the eighth See Mr. Friend's papers on "British Annelids, with especial reference to the Earthworms of Essex," in volumes v. and vi. of The Essex Naturalist.—Ed. 2 "A Monograph of the Order Oligochaeta." By F. E. Beddard, F.R.S. 4to, pp. xii. 769. with five plates. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1895. Price £2 2s. —Ed.