128 POTASH-MAKING IN ESSEX: A LOST RURAL INDUSTRY. Dr. Thos. Taylor, of Bocking, informs me that there was a "Potash" at Hedingham, many years ago. Mr. John Laver, of Hockley, writes : "I remember the 'Potash' at Purleigh on the road to Cock-Larks. It was in use when I was a boy, and I have often seen the potash-man coming round to collect ashes." Mr. R. W. Low, Master of the Ongar Union House, sends me a list of four "Potashes'' in that district, from information given by aged inmates of this Union : 1. One on Ramsden Heath. 2. One on Toot Hill, near Ongar. The cottage is still called, "Potashes." 3. One near Bundish Hall, Ongar. 4. Soap House, Stondon ; formerly worked by a man named Clark. Mr. R. F. Moss, Master of the Rochford Union House, on inquiry amongst his aged inmates, could only hear of one, at "Potash Corner," Rochford, carried on. by — Townsend. Mr. C. Roydhouse, Master of the Dunmow Union House, was informed by an inmate named John Saward, aged 66 years, that he assisted, thirty years ago, in pulling down a "Potash'' at Felstead, but had not been in use during his memory. Mr. Roydhouse mentions two Potashes. 1. One at the back of Pond Park, Felstead, mentioned above. 2. One at Great Bardfield, carried on by — Knights. This is the one referred to above by Mr. King. Mr. F. Moore, Master of the Epping Union House, questioned the inmates, but none of them remembered a "Potash" anywhere, an extraordinary fact; if Potashes might have been expected to flourish anywhere in this county, one- would have expected the wooded districts of the Forest to have been those especially adapted for the manufacture. The probability is, that the men ques- tioned were not old enough to have personal recollections of the industry. Mr. J. Nowell, Master of the Braintree Union House says : "I have ques- tioned several of our old men as to the potash business, and some of them remember its being carried on, in the days of their boyhood (some fifty or, sixty- years ago), but beyond this remembrance they are not able to say much." He sends a list of eight Potashes. 1. One on Marks Hall Estate. 2. One at Wethersfield, worked by Thomas Dace. 3. One on Tiptree Heath. 4. One on Messing Heath. 5. One at White Notley Hall ; Mr. Bruce is said to have been the proprietor. 6. One at Little Leighs, Mr. Snow, proprietor. 7. One at Pattiswick Green, now known as "Potash Farm." 8. One in "Potash" Lane, Buttsbury, carried on by Mr. Porter ; this was in full work about forty years ago. Mr. Rowe, Master of Chelmsford Union House, furnishes me a list of twelve "Potashes," some of which had been previously reported to me by others : 1. Four or five "Potashes" in Great and Little Leighs, position not clearly indicated by informant. 2. One at South Hanningfield. 3. One at Buttsbury, worked by Mr. Porter. 4. One at Danbury. 5. One at Boreham. 6. One at Margaretting. 7. One at Woodham Ferris. 8. One at Sandon. 9. One at Tiptree Heath, worked by Mr. Colam.