132 POTASH-MAKING IN ESSEX: A LOST RURAL INDUSTRY. King's Head, at White Colne, and he thinks Manuel worked both. He never saw the work going on, but he remembers seeing the large tubs, which he should think would have held four or five hogsheads. There was another Potash, just before you came into Pebmarsh, but to whom it belonged he did not know. These Potash-makers used to prepare a lye, he thought, for the Soap-makers, of whom there were two or three in the district at the time he was speaking about, rather more than sixty years ago. Mr. Townsend, now living at 7, Coverdale Street, London, but formerly at Radwinter, writes to me as follows : "When I first went to Radwinter, in 1851, a Mr. Shadrach Gowlett, on pointing out a farm to me, said it was called Potash Farm (as it is now), and that there his grandfather used to make and sell Potash I think the manufactory ceased about a century ago." LIST OF "POTASHES" IN ESSEX. The following list is not put forward as a complete one for Essex; to complete it would necessitate my visiting and searching in every Parish for all those inclosures or fields bearing the name of "Potash." This would entail an expenditure of more time and labour than I could afford, and, even when done, would only show how extensively this industry prevailed. This is undoubtedly an interesting fact, but probably the following list, giving examples of "Potashes" formerly existing in many parts of the county will be considered sufficient to make it clear that potash-making was a general industry spread over the county. If it serves no other useful purpose, it will give an opportunity for those of the present generation, who do not know the meaning of the name "Potash Field," to understand why the term was applied to so many spots. For convenience of reference, the names of those Parishes where "Potashes" existed will be placed alphabetically, and where it has been possible to ascertain the names of the proprietors of the works, these have been added : Aldham, near the old Church. Ashdon, on Hill Farm, Baddow, Little, near Potash Farm. Bardfield on Bushett's Farm. Proprietor, Knighton. Berden. Potash Farm. Billericay. Potash Field, near Norsey Wood. Boreham, Bures (which Bures is uncertain). Proprietor, Bacon. Buttsbury, in Potash Lane. Proprietor, Mr. Porter. Clacton, Great, near Cann Hall. Colchester, on Parsons Heath. Proprietor, Folkard. Colne, Wakes, near Old Hall.