THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 147 Mr. R.J. Sheldon, Mr. G.E.Vaughan, Mr. T. H.Wilson, Rev. W.Linton Wilson, Mr. A. Lockyer (Hon. Treasurer), Mr. W. C. Waller (Hon. Librarian), Mr. W. Cole (Hon. Curator), and the President and Officers of the Club ex officio. An illustrated pamphlet explaining the objects and plan of the proposed Museum was issued, and a subscription list started. My rough estimate, as Hon. Curator, of the necessary expenditure was £300, but the Committee and Council decided to commence with a less sum, leaving further appeals for funds to be made after the Museum should have been opened. A considerable number of subscriptions were promised, amounting to about £120, with a few annual sub- scriptions, a list of which is placed on the table to-night, and which includes a donation of £20 from the Drapers' Company. A carefully considered scheme was drawn up and placed before the Epping Forest Committee of the Corporation of London for approval. The Committee met the wishes of the Club in a very kind way, and on the 31st of December, 1894, the Agree- ment for the use of the Banqueting Room and the grand staircase of the Lodge for the purposes of a public Museum was signed by the Town Clerk of the Corporation and by myself, as Secretary to the Club. Under the arrangement the Epping Forest Committee provide a caretaker and pay for the warming and cleaning of the Museum. It would be tedious to recapitulate all the steps taken in fitting up the Museum—its present condition is still very far from the ideal set before us in the preliminary pamphlet published by the Committee—but I think that we are justified in saying that good work has been done, and that even in their present state the collections are of considerable interest to visitors to the Forest. Welcome aid has been afforded by members of the Local Committee and others ; many have helped, but it is only just that the Club should be informed of the Special Assistance afforded by the following gentlemen : Mr. Chalkley Gould. Fitting up and defraying much of the expense of arrang- ing his loan collection of articles of Romano-British age from Chigwell, as well as writing a Guide, and paying part of the cost of printing the same. Mr. Walter Crouch. Arranging his loan collection of Mollusca from the Becontree Hundred, and lending several interesting specimens of birds from the Forest districts. Mr. J. A. Clark. Lending many rare birds from the Forest, and presenting a set of about 70 species of the larvae of Lepidoptera from the Forest. Mr. LI. Hatton and Mr. H. Day also lending for exhibition many rare birds. Mr. J. E. Greenhill's loan of a valuable collection of Stone Implements and Pleistocene Mollusca and Mammalia has already been reported, but Mr. Greenhill has since partly arranged his collections, and has lent a typewriter, which has been of great service. Mr. T. V. Holmes has presented six sheets of the 6 in. Ordnance Map of the Forest District, as well as two sheets of the Geographical Map, sheet of Horizontal Sections and sheet of the No. 12 Index. This donation has enabled us to prepare and have mounted on a spring-roller a complete large-scale Map of our district. Mr. T. Hay Wilson generously defrayed half the cost of this somewhat costly mounting. Mr. T. Hay Wilson has been engaged also for some time in collecting and preparing a set of rock specimens illustrating the Glacial geology of the Forest. Mr. G. E. Vaughan, as already reported last year, presented a large collection of birds' eggs to form a type collection. Dr. M. C. Cooke. A series of about 450 coloured plates of Hymenomycetal Fungi of Epping Forest, extracted from his "Illustrations of British Fungi."