THE BARCLAY-JOHNSTON MSS. 159 management and rejoinders to them, Commoners' grievances, and other such matters, are there represented. Box G (106-136).—This box comprises documents referring to the Commoners and the Reeves, with Statements, ranging from 1878 to 1885, of the Epping Forest Fund of the Corporation of London. Box H (137-157).—The Epping Forest Fund of 1874 and succeeding years is here represented by various Reports and State- ments of Account ; and one or two miscellaneous items lie with them. Box I (158-162).—Two fine plans of the Forest District, north and south, mounted on linen, together with books of reference to them, prepared by Mr. R. C. Driver for the Epping Forest Com- mission, with his affidavit, form the very valuable contents of this, the last box on the list. Vol. J (163-178).—The title of this volume, which is lettered "Acts and Bills, 1849-1884," sufficiently indicates its contents. Vol. K (179-185).—A long Chancery suit—The Commissioners of Sewers v. Glasse and others—finds its record in this volume, which ends with the famous judgment of the Master of the Rolls, dated Nov. 10th, 1874. It also includes a report of the researches made by Mr. H. G. Hewlett, and a copy of the Perambulation of the Forest made in the time of Charles I. Vol. L (186-205).—Documents relating to Hainhault Forest and others, with the interesting extracts from the Forest and Court Rolls which were printed for the Epping Forest Commission, and a summary (dated 1874) of the legal and other proceedings taken respecting Epping Forest since 1871, form the staple of this volume, lettered "Forests." Vol. M (i. 206-212).—This volume, lettered "Epping Forest Commission, 1871-1875," contains yet more of the matter printed for the use of the Commissioners, together with their preliminary Report, dated Dec. 27th, 1875.1 Vol. N (ii. 213-227).—Comprised in this volume, which is lettered "Epping Forest Commission, 1875-1878," are the schemes for the management of the Forest which were received in response to a notice issued by the Commissioners in 1875, and printed with their own Scheme and Final Report soon after May 3rd, 1877. Vol. O (228-257).—This last volume contains the official Reports of the Coal, Corn, and Finance Committee of the Corporation of London for 1875 and 1878 ; and the Reports of the Epping Forest Committee of the same Corporation from 1882 to June 1895, of which some are rightly included in the Barclay-Johnston Collection, having been contributed by Mr. Johnston ; but the larger number was recently presented to the Museum Library by the Epping Forest 1 It should be noted that M 208 and M 200 are indices to certain volumes transferred from the Office of Works to the Public Record Office in 1893, for safe custody. These are not, however, "Public Records," and a special permit is required in order to inspect them. They contain a great number of certified translations of office copies of records.