168 SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. To that end I shall be glad for any further information that can be given, and also for copies of unpublished analyses of waters from wells or springs. Having already twenty such analyses, which I believe to be unpublished, I append these in this paper. The numbers (in brackets) at the head of each section, or analysis, are those of the sheet of the Geological Survey Map in which the site is represented. Unless otherwise stated, the figures, for thickness and depth, are in feet. [Words in square brackets have been added by the writer.] (1, S.W.) Barking.—East London Waterworks (half-a-mile from the western side of the town, just east of the Roding, and close to the main road.) 1896. Communicated by Mr. W. B. Bryan, Engineer to the Company. About 12 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft throughout.