178 SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. of which a trace was found in a railway-cutting near Rochford in 1887 (see "Geology of London and of Part of the Thames Valley," vol. i., p. 422). (1, S.W.). Silvertown.—Messrs. Brunner, Mond & Co., Crescent Wharf. Two wells. Made and communicated by Messrs. Isler & Co. 1. Water-level 10 feet down. Supply 6,000 gallons an hour. 2. Water-level 7 feet down. Supply 6,000 gallons an hour. (j, S.E.). Stanford-le-Hope.—Broad Hope Farm, a mile south of east from the church. 1895. Bored and communicated by Mr. R. D. Batchelor. Water-level 31 feet down, lowered 7 feet after pumping all day. Supply tested to 720 gallons an hour. This section seems to show the Oldhaven or Blackheath Beds in unexpected force, greatly at the expense of the Woolwich Beds.