SOME ESSEX WELL-SECTIONS. 181 (1, N.W.) Waltham Abbey (Sewardstone).—Spencer's Farm, a few years before 1874. Communicated by Mr. A. Sheldon, through Mr. T. Hay Wilson. About 47 feet above Ordnance Datum. Sunk and bored 80 feet. In 1874 water rose just to the surface. [? From just below the London Clay.] (1, S.W.) Walthamstow.—Essex Brewery, near St James' Street Station. Two Wells. "Epping Forest"... by F. Collier, undated (? soon after 1880), pp. 31, 32. Supply from two sources, both copious. One from the beds next below the London Clay, at the depth of 90 feet, soft and used for cooling, washing, etc. The other from 180 feet down in the Chalk, used for brewing only. Messrs. Collier have written to me, however, in 1893, that, the water-level having dropped from 30 feet to 50 feet down, a second well was sunk in 1892, about 30 feet from the older one. This was made by Messrs. Baker, who have contributed the following particulars. Shaft 111 feet, the rest bored. Water-level 48 feet down. Continuous pumping, with a pump of 8 inches diameter, lowered the water only 11 feet.