182 SOME ESSEX WATER ANALYSES. Analyses of Waters from Wells and Springs. The following analyses are given as in the originals, sometimes with slight condensation. It is a pity that chemists do not agree on one system of stating facts, so that analyses should be more readily comparable. Some of the analyses are only partial, as, for most purposes, purity from organic matter is the chief quality to be determined For geologic purposes a complete analysis is wanted, and to under- stand a water thoroughly of course it is needful to have details of the mineral contents. The Geological Survey Memoirs, or the Papers in which accounts of the wells have been given, are noted. For a mass of information on this subject (chiefly relating to shallow wells) the reader is referred to the "Report on the Water Supplies of the Various Villages and Hamlets in the Chelmsford and Maiden Rural Sanitary Districts," by Dr. J. C. Thresh, 8vo, Chelms- ford, pp. xii., 51. Price 6d. (1891). Other published analyses are as follows : Bocking, Messrs. Courtauld's. "Rep. Brit. Assoc." for 1883, p. 156. Braintree, Local Board. Ibid. for 1887, p. 361. Monkham Park. "Geology of London," etc., vol. ii., p. 28. Southend, Waterworks. G. W. Wigner's "Water Supply of Sea- side Watering Places." Thames Haven. "Trans. San. Inst.," vol. i. "The Shallow and Deep Well-Waters of Essex," Dr. J. C. Thresh. The Essex Naturalist, vol. vii. (1893), pp. 28-40. (1, S.W.) Barking, Mills. Deep well info Chalk. See "Geology of London," etc., vol. ii. p. 13. By Mr. G. W. Wigner, 1878.