184 SOME ESSEX WATER ANALYSES. This water is remarkably free from contamination by organic matter. It contains much inorganic (mineral) matter that gives hardness. It is of good quality for drinking-purposes. (48, S.W.) Donyland, East.—Steam Brewery. Deep well into Chalk. See "Geology of the Neighbourhood of Colchester," p. 17 (entered under "Rowhedge"). By Mr. R. T. Daniell. Communicated by Mr. P. Bruff, C.E. 1883. (47.) Felstead.—The School. Deep well to Chalk. See "Trans. Essex Field Club," vol. iv., p. 156. By Prof. Liveing. Communicated by Mr. D. S. Ingram. In parts per 100,000. It is possible that some of the alkaline sulphates above given should have been reckoned as carbonates, and an equivalent quantity of earthy carbonates as sulphates.