SOME ESSEX WATER ANALYSES. 185 (1, N.E.) Maldon.—Ballast-fit in the fork, next Railway Station. By Dr. P. F. Frankland, July, 1889. In parts per 100,000. (1, N.E.) Maldon.—Waterworks. Deep well through London Clay. See "The Geology of London," etc., vol. ii., p. 26. By Dr. J. Whitmore. Communicated by Mr. W. T. Foxlee. In grains per gallon. Manuden. Boring 200 feet, 120 in soft chalk. Made by Mr. J. W. Knights, ot Cambridge. Communicated by Mr. G. Ingold. Grains per gallon. (48, S.W.) Mersea, East. Deep well to Chalk. See "The Geology of the Country around Ipswich," etc., p. 109. By Professor J. Attfield. June, 1883. The water is free from any serious contamination by animal or vegetable matter. It contains a good deal of salt ; indeed it appears to contain some sea-water.