188 SOME ESSEX WATER ANALYSES. Physical Characters. Slightly yellow. Turbid. Sediment very large. Lustre dull. Taste nauseous. No smell. Hardness, in parts per 100,000, fixed 4, removable t, total 5. This water contains an excess of chlorine, of total solids and of free ammonia. The small amount of hardness is against its being contaminated by sea-water. The organic matter is due possibly to the nitrogenous matter in the strata, and if so is harmless. The water may be used for drinking-purposes after filtration. (47.) Stanstead. Boring 152 feet, in soft chalk. Made by Mr. J. W. Knights, of Cambridge. Communicated by Mr. G. Ingold. Grains per gallon. (48, S.W.) West Bergholt.—Brewery. Deep well to Chalk. See "The Geology of Colchester," p. 18. By Mr. R. T. Daniell, 1881. Communicated by Mr. P. Bruff.