SOME ESSEX WATER ANALYSES. 189 (47.) Wickham Bishop.—Asylum. Deep boring into Chalk. See "Trans. Essex Field Club," vol. iv., pp. 168, 169. By Prof. C. M. Tidy, January, 1880. In grains per gallon. Of the 133.15 grains of solid matter nearly 86 were common salt. The organic matter is very small, and the water, as regards this, is very pure. The quantity of solid matter is enormous, whilst the salt present shows that the water is "unusual" (sic in Dr. Tidy's MS.). The last is no indication of organic impurity. As far as wholesomeness is concerned, the water is free from any suspicion, but it is a question whether it would be palatable. As regards ordinary detergent purposes it is well fitted in every respect. (47.) Wickham Bishop, 1. From a Well in Railway-cutting southward of Wickham Bishop Railway Station.