214 COAL UNDER SOUTH-EASTERN ENGLAND. Towards the close of last year the directors of the Eastern Counties Coal-boring and Development Association decided to dis- continue the boring at Stutton, on the north bank of the Stour. (See Essex Naturalist, viii., p. 143, and sketch map herewith.) The boring was upon the land of Mr. Graham, of Crepping Hall, and that gentleman is deserving of great praise for the enthusiasm he showed in the scheme, and for the personal assistance he gave the directors and the contractors for the boring—the Vivian Boring Sketch-Map Showing the Position of the Suffolk Boring. Company, of Whitehaven. The depth to which the bore was made is 1,525 feet, through the following strata :— The continued appearance of the same Palaeozoic Rock led the Directors of the Association to confer with the Geological experts, Mr. W. Whitaker (who read a paper at the British Association Meet- ing at Ipswich upon the boring) and Mr. T. V. Holmes, who pre- sented the following valuable report :