INDEX TO VOLUME IX. Acanthocinus aedilis at Plaistow, 227. Acherontia atropos and Sphinx ligustri at East Mersea, 227. Adder taken in Epping Forest, Note on, 81. Albino Hares, 223. Albino Hedgehog at Wickham Bishops, 224. Albino Starling at West Bergholt, 224. Albino Weasel at Colchester, 223. Anguilla vulgaris (Common Eel), Re- production and Metamorphosis of, 261. Annual Meetings, The Fifteenth, March 30th, 1895, 24 ; the Sixteenth, March 28th, 1896, 204. Annual Report of Council for 1894, 25 ; for 1895, 141. Arctia villica, abundance of the larvae of, on the Essex Coast, 227. Asio brachyotus (Short-eared Owl), nesting in Essex, 125. Auk, Little (Mergulus alle), at Lawford, 224 ; do. in Essex, 52. Badgers and Otters near Colchester 222. Badhamia rubiginosa in Walthamstow Forest, 250. Balance-sheets, for 1894, 27 ; for 1895, 143. Barclay-Johnston MSS. and Papers relating to Epping Forest, 157. "Barisal Guns," 230. Bats of Epping Forest, 134. Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus) near Harwich, 52. Benham, C. E., Eggs of Petrobia, 262. Bergholt, West, Albino Starling at, 224. Bibliography of Essex, 39. Bird Protection League, Epping Forest, Bird Protection Society, Essex, 219, 255. Birds and their Persecutors, 52. Birds, in Winter, 53 ; Exodus of, 260. Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) at Bures, 52. Bog-Flora of the Forest, Note on the Extinction of, 208. "Bolide," or Globular Lightning Dis- charge, at Hatfield Peverel, 231. Boring for Coal at Stutton, Suffolk, Cores from, Presented, 200. Borings for Coal in Suffolk and Essex, Reports on, 213, 253. Boulger, Prof. G. S., Address on "Corn-field Weeds," 86; Conducts at Meeting on Forest, October 31st, 1896, 247 ; Our Forest Trees, and how they should be represented in the Forest Museum, 243, 249 ; The Federation Ideal for Natural History Societies (paper read), 252. Boulenger, G. A., Note on an Adder (Vipera berus) taken in Epping Forest, 81. Boundary Stones of the Forest of Essex, Eastern, 1. Branfill, General B. R., Vitality of Seeds, 229. Brick-earth at Chelmsford, Note on the Shells from, 19. British Association, Notes on the Con- ference of Delegates of Local So- cieties at Ipswich (1895), 54 ; at Liverpool (1896), 236 ; Summary of Report of Committee on the Relation of Palaeolithic Man to the Glacial Epoch, 245. British Museum of Natural History, Visit to, 81.