iv INDEX TO VOLUME IX. Bromley to Waltham Abbey, Voyage on the Lea, 87. Brown, John, of Stanway, References to in "Life of Sir R. Owen," 263. Browne, Charles, Hon. Counsel, Death of, 144. Bryan, Colonel, Conducts at Visit of Club to East London Waterworks at Lea Bridge, 96. Buckhurst Hill, Worked Stone from, Exhibited, 23. Bucks Fighting in the Forest, 247. Burrows in the Chalk at Saffron Walden, 262. Butterflies, Essex, Notes on, 361. Buxton, E. N., Conducts at Inspection of Epping Forest, May 18th, 1895, 83 ; on the Protection of Wild Birds in the Epping Forest District, 49 ; Scheme for Protection of Birds in Forest Area, 84 ; Observations on the Management of the Woodlands in Epping Forest, 233, 248 ; Conducts at Meeting on the Forest, October 31st, 1896, 247, 248. Canvey Island, Snow Buntings nesting near, 225. Carices, species collected in Epping Thicks, 208 ; in the Lea River, 210. Cat bringing up Rabbits ("A Strange Foster Parent"), 224. Catocala nupta with black Underwings, 228. Chancellor, F., Annual Address, 25 ; On Museum and Technical Instruc- tion in Essex, 30 ; On Meetings of the Club during 1894 and 1895, 37 ; On Bibliography of Essex, 39 ; On Amalgamation of Essex Archae- ological Society with the Essex Field Club, 40 ; On "Essex Review," 40 ; Rainfall in Chelmsford, January to July, 1896, compared with average for twenty-eight years, 232 ; Rainfall in Chelmsford in 1896, 264. "Chapel-Henault" a query, 54. Chelmsford, Notes on the remains of Pleistocene Mammalia found in the neighbourhood of, 16 ; Notes on Geological Section at, in which remains of Mammalia were dis- covered, 1894, 10, 24; Notes on Shells from Brick-earth at, 19 ; Rain- fall at, 232 ; Prionus coriarius at, 261 ; Rainfall at in 1896, 264. Chignal St. James, Ancient Oak at, 108. Chisenhale-Marsh, W. S., receives the Club at Gaynes Park, 86. Christy, Miller, On an Ancient Oak at Chignal St. James, with observa- tions on the Field-name of "Puttocks Lees," 108 ; Albino Weasel near Col- chester, 223 ; Observations on Bur- rows in the Chalk at Saffron Walden, 262. Clark, W. J., Ancanthocinus aedilis at Plaistow, 227. Claytonia perfoliata still flourishing in the open at Danbury, 262. Close-time for Birds within the Metro- politan District, 47-49, 256. Coal under S.E. England : Borings in Suffolk and Essex, 213 ; Boring at Weeley, Essex, 253. Coggeshal], Slaughter of an Otter at, 51. Colchester, Otters and Badger near, 222 ; Albino Weasel near, 223 ; Supposed slight Earthquake at, 230. Cole, B. G , Acherontia atropos and Sphinx ligustri at East Mersea, 227 ; Abundance of the larvae of Arctia villica on the Essex Coast, 227. Cole, W., Exhibits Worked-Stone from Buckhurst Hill, 23 ; Exhibits speci- mens of rare Essex Lepidoptera, 23 ; On Protection of Wild Birds in Essex, 42, 255 ; Exhibits Snakes from the Forest, 86 ; Conducts at voyage on River Lea, June 29th, 1895, 87 ; Interim Report on Central Museum, 145 ; Report on Forest Museum, 146 ; Exhibits Orthoptera from East Mersea, 200 ; Exhibits "Cores" from the Boring at Stutton, 200 ; Conducts at Voyage on Lea, June 27th, 1896, 208 ; Gives Demon-