INDEX TO VOLUME IX. V stratton on Aquatic Insects, 213 ; Wasps killing Flies, 228 ; Earth- noises and supposed slight Earth- quake at Mersea and Colchester, 230 ; Report on Epping Forest Museum, 248 ; On Prof. Petrie's proposals re Local Museums, 249 ; The English Earthquake of Decem- ber 17th, 1896, 258 ; Note on Prof. Grassi's Memoir on Leptocephali, 261. Coleosporium senicionis at Dedham, 53. Cooke, Dr. M. C, Conducts at Annual Fungus Foray, October 19th, 1895, 100 ; do., on November 21st, 1896, 249; New Epping Forest Fungi, 100, 250 ; Essex Fungi, and how they should be represented in the Museum (paper read), 251. "Corn-field Weeds," Address by Prof. Boulger, 86. "Corn-crusher" from Epping Forest, 53. Corresponding Societies, Committee of British Association, Notes on Con- ference of Delegates at Ipswich (1895), 54 ; Conference at Liverpool (1890), 236. Council, Annual Report of, for 1894, 25 ; Petition of, for Protection of Shore-Birds to Essex County Council, 44 ; Annual Report of, for 1895-96, 141 ; Members of, 1896-97, 205. Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) at Lexden, 224. Crouch, Walter, 'Exhibits large Ringed Snake, 86 ; Notes on River Lea, Bromley, Bow, Old Ford, 89. Cubitt, James, on Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, 166. Cuckoo with Hepatic Plumage at Waltham Abbey, 224 ; Habits of, 326. Cuckoos brought up by Water-Wagtail, 225. Cucullia verbasci and Cionus scrophulariae on Scrophularia on banks of Lea, 210. Cynophallus caninus in Epping Forest, Danbury, Claytonia perfoliata still flour- ishing at, 262. Dare, W. C, Elected Hon. Counsel, 144. Demonstrations in the Field, Scheme of, 202 ; 1st Demonstration, March 14th, 203 ; 2nd Demonstration, May 2nd, 206 ; 3rd Demonstration, June 20th, 207 ; 4th Demonstration, June 27th, 208. Determination of Fossils, Aid in, 263. Dichaeta curvisetosa, Friend, a Genus and Species of Oligochaeta from Essex, new to Britain, no. Dixon, Miss J. S., Albino Hedgehog at Wickham Bishops, 224. Eagle, Golden, bringing up Chickens, 51. Earth-noises and supposed slight Earth- quake at Mersea and Colchester,.230. Earthquake, Essex, of 1692, 229 ; Sup- posed slight, at Colchester, 230 ; English, of December, 17th, 1896, felt in Essex, 259. Earthwork at Harlow, Geological Notes on a supposed, 59. East London Waterworks at Lea Bridge, Visit to, 96. Eel, Common, Reproduction and Metamorphosis of, 261. Emson, Frank, Holes or Burrows in the Chalk at Saffron Walden, 262. Enock, F., Discovery of Prestwichia aquatica in Epping Forest (note read), 252. Epping Forest, E. N. Buxton on Pro- tection of Wild Birds in, 49 ; Bird Protection League, 50 ; Woodcock in, 52, 260; Ancient Mortar-Stone or Corn-Crusher, and Roman Flue-tiles, from, 53 ; A Forest Document of the 18th Century, 73 ; the Manage- ment of, Memorials to the Com- mittee, and second Official Report of the Experts, 74 ; Note on an Adder taken in, 81 ; Second Inspection of by the Club, 83 ; Snakes from, 86 ; Bats of, 134; The Barclay-Johnston MSS. and Papers relating to, 157 ;