INDEX TO VOLUME IX. vii French, J., On the Diffusion and Local Extinction of Mollusca (paper read), 253. Friend, Rev. Hilderic, Notes on Essex Worms (Oligochaeta), with description of a Species new to Britain, and of a Genus and Species new to Science, no. Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) at West Bergholt, 52. Fungus Foray, October 19th, 1895,100; of November 21st, 1896, 249. Fungi, new to Epping Forest, 100, 250. Gallinago major, at Thaxted, 225. Galleywood Common, Flock of Swans at, 51. Galloway, Prof. W., Report on the Stutton Boring, 217. Gaynes Park, Visit to, 86. "Gentleman's Magazine Library," Notes on Essex from, 139. Geology of Epping Forest, a Sketch of, 160. Geological Map of the greater part of S.E. England, Notes on, 112. Geological Nature of the Land which has fallen out of Cultivation in Essex, 70. Geological Notes on a Supposed Earth- work at Harlow, 59. Geological Section at Chelmsford in which Mammoth and other Remains were discovered, 10. Gibson, Edward, A "Bolide" or Globular-Lightning Discharge at Hatfield Peverel, 231. Glacial Epoch, the relation of Palaeo- lithic Man to, 245. Globular Lightning at Hatfield Peverel, 231. Gould, F. Carruthers, Woodcock in Epping Forest, 52 ; Increase of Birds in Epping Forest, 85 ; Extinc- tion of "Myths," 252. Gould, I. Chalkley, A Forest Docu- ment of the Eighteenth Century, 23, 73 : "Chapel Henault," a query, 54 ; Reply to Mr. T. V. Holmes' Geo- logical Notes on a supposed Earth- quake at Harlow, 65. ''Great Parndon, Rector of," "A Foster- mother," 225. Guildhall Museum, Visit of Club to, 21. Grassi's, Prof., Memoir on the Develop- ment of the Eel, 261. Halse, Mr. Deputy R. C, Opens Epping Forest Museum, 103, 105. Hare, A White, at Laindon, 223. Hares, White and Albino, 223. Harlow, Geological Notes on a Sup- posed Earthwork at, 59. Harting, J. E., Cuckoo with Hepatic Plumage at Waltham Abbey, 224. Hatfield Peveril, a "Bolide" at, 231. Heatley, Ernest W., Probable Solitary Heron's Nest near Ingrave, 224. Hedgehog, Albino, at Wickham Bishops, 224. Helix pomatia, new to Essex, Speci- mens Exhibited, 207. Henlea ventriculosa, A Species of Oligochaeta new to Essex, 110. Hepatic Plumage, Cuckoo with, at Waltham Abbey, 224. Heron's Nest, Probable Solitary, near Ingrave, 224. High Beach, Roman Ornament of Gilt- copper from, 86. Holmes, E. M., Conducts Field Demonstration, 203 ; Address on Mosses, 204 ; Conducts at Fungus Foray, November 21st, 1896, 249. Holmes, T. V., Notes on Section at Chelmsford, in which Mammoth and other Remains were discovered in November, 1894, 10 ; Birds in Winter, 53 ; Notes on Conference of Delegates at Ipswich, 54 ; do,, at Liverpool, 236, 249 ; On a Sup- posed Earthwork at Harlow, 59, 68 ; On a Geological Map including the greater part of S.E. England, 112; Presents copy of do., 201 ; Stray Notes on Essex, 139 ; A Sketch of the Geology of Epping Forest, 161 ; Notes on the Ancient Physiography of South Essex, 193 ; Discovery of