INDEX TO VOLUME IX. ix Mergulus alle (Little Auk) at Lawford, 224. Management of Epping Forest, Me- morials to the Committee and second Official Reports of the Experts, 74 ; Observations on, 233. Map (Geological Survey) of the greater part of S.E. England, Notes on, 112. Map of Physiography of South Essex, 193. Marquand, E. D., Assists at Field Demonstration on Mosses, 203-4. Mathews, J. Douglass, Receives the Club at the Guildhall Museum 21. Mersea, East, Orthoptera from, 200; Earth-noises at, 230 ; Acherontia atropos and Sphinx ligustri at, 227. Metropolitan District, Close-time for Birds within, 47, 49, 256. Mice, Field, eating Putty, 260. Mimulus luteus on banks of the Lea, 212, 213. Mollusca from the Brick-earth at Chelmsford, Note on, 19 ; Noticed on Banks of the Lea, 210, 213 ; Non- Marine of Essex (paper read), 212 ; On the Diffusion and Local Extinction of (paper read), 253. Monckton, H. W., Geological Nature of the Land which has fallen out of Cultivation in Essex, 70. Mortar-Stone, or Corn-Crusher, and Roman Tiles, from Epping Forest, 53. Mothersole, H., Field Mice eating Putty, 260; Late Staying Mar- tins and Swallows at Chelmsford, 260. Museum, Presents to, 20, 29 ; Central Report on, for 1894, 28 ; Donations to, 29 ; Mr. Chancellor's remarks upon, 31 ; Report on, for 1895, 145 ; Epping Forest, Reports on, 29, 146 ; How our Forest Trees should be represented in, 242 ; Epping Forest, opening of, 101. Mus rattus (Black Rat) at Shadwell, 224. Mycetozoa in Walthamstow Forest, 250. Natural History, Stray Notes on, Address by Prof. Stewart, 31. Natural Orders of Plants, Address on, 100. Newman, Edward (the late), The Bats of Epping Forest, 134. Newton, E. T., Notes on remains of Pleistocene Mammals found in the neighbourhood of Chelmsford, 16; On a small collection of Mammoth and Rhinoceros Bones from Clapton, 23 ; Observations upon a series of Bones of Vertebrates from Fissures in Kentish Rag, near Ightham, 23 ; Discovery of Mammalian Remains at Great Yeldham, Essex, 115. Noak Hill, Aberration of Satyrus janira from, 23. Notes, Original and Selected, 51, 222, 260. Norfolk Plover (Oedicnemus scolopax) at Earle's Colne, 52. Northey Island, Maldon, Nesting of the Short-eared Owl in, 22;. Oak, Ancient, at Chignal St. James, with Observations on the Field-name of "Puttocks Lees," 108. Officers for, 1895-96, election of, 24; for 1896-97, 205. Oldham, Charles, Woodcock in Epping Forest, 260. Ongar Park Woods, Meeting at, 85. Ornament, Roman, of Gilt Copper from High Beach, presented by Sir J. Evans, 86. Otter, Slaughter of, at Coggeshall, 51. Otters and Badgers near Colchester, 222. "Ouida," Birds and their Persecutors, 52. Owen, Sir Richard, References in Diary to John Brown, of Stanway, 263. Owl. Short-eared, Nesting in Essex, 225, Palaeolithic Man, The relation of to the Glacial Epoch, 245.