x INDEX TO VOLUME IX. Paulson, R., Address on the Flowers and Fruits of the Umbelliferae, 201 ; Conducts Field Demonstrations, 206, 207, 208 ; Address on the "Use and Abuse of a Flora," 207 ; Address on "Grass and Rushes," 208. Peat-beds of the River Lea, Specimens from, in the Museum, 20. Petrobia ("Stone-Mites"), Eggs of, 262. Physiography, Ancient, of South Essex, Notes on, 193. Pigeon, Homing, taking to the Wild, 260. Plaistow, Acanthocinus aedilis at, 227. Plants, Essex, Records, 228. Plectrophanes nivalis (Snow Bunting), Nesting of, at Southend and Canvey Island, 225. Pleistocene Mammalia, Remains of from the neighbourhood of Chelms- ford, 16. "Potashes" in Essex, List of, 132. Potash-making in Essex, a lost rural Industry, 119. Powell, J. T., Presents set of Epping Forest Rubi to the Museum, 21, 29. Presidential Addresses, By F. Chan- cellor, March 30th, 1895, 30 ; Editorial remarks upon, 42 ; By D. Howard, March 28th, 1896, 149. Prestwichia aquatica, Discovery of, in Epping Forest (note read), 252. Prionus coriarius at Chelmsford, 261. Protection of Wild Birds in Essex, 42 ; Petition of Club to County Council, 44 ; Articles on 218, 255. "Puttocks Lees," Observations on the Field-name of, 108. Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, 166. Rainfall in Chelmsford, January to July, 1896, compared with average for twenty-eight years, 232 ; at Lexden and at Chelmsford in 1896, 264. Rat, Black, at Shadwell, 224. Rendle, A. B., Address on the Natural Orders of Plants, 100. Rhinoceros and Mammoth Bones from Clapton presented, 23. Rowe, Rev. A. W., presents Palaeo- lithic Implements to the Museum, 23, Rubi from Forest, presented to Museum by Mr. Powell, 21, 29. Ruff (Machetes pugnax) at East Mersea, 52. Russell, Rev. A. F., on Epping Forest Museum, 103. Russell, Champion B., on Protection of Shore-birds in Essex, 45 ; Protec- tion of Wild Birds in Essex, 218 ; Homing Pigeon taking to the Wild, 260. Rye House, Visit to, 212. Saffron Walden, Holes or Burrows in the Chalk at, 262. Salmon in the Lea River, 227. Sapsworth, A. D., Black Rat at Shadwell, 224. Satyrus janira, Aberration of, from Noak Hill, 23. Seeds, Vitality of, 229. Sewardstone, Visit to, 206. Sharp, H., Nesting of Snow Buntings at Southend and Canvey Island, 225. Shells from the Brick-earth at Chems- ford, Note on, 19. Shenstone, J. C., Celeosporium senicionis, 53 ; Conducts at Voyage on Lea, June 27th, 208 ; Essex Plants, Records, 228. Shore-birds, Protection of, Petition of the E.F.C. to the County Council, 44; Mr. C. B. Russell on, 218; Protection of, 255. Snakes from Epping Forest Exhibited, 86. Snipe, Great (Gallinago major), at Thaxted, 225. Snow Buntings at Southend and Can- vey Island, 225. South-Eastern England, Notes on the Geological Survey Map of, 112. Southend, Snow Buntings Nesting near, 225.