xii INDEX TO VOLUME IX Woodward, A. Smith, Address on Local Museums, 107. Worms (Oligochaeta), Notes on Essex ; Description of a species new to Britain, and a genus and species new to science, 110. Yeldham, Great, Discovery of Mam- malian Remains at, 115. Zygodon fosteri, again Epping Forest, 203. noticed in ILLUSTRATIONS. "Richard's Stone" on Curtis Mill Green, one of the old Boundary Marks of the Forest of Waltham, 2, Sketch-Map of the Forest of Waltham. showing position of Boundary Stones, 4. Navestock Boundary Stone, 5. Havering Boundary Stone, 6. Forest Boundary Stone in Whalebone Lane, 7. Marks Stone 8. Section across the Valley of the Cam, 11. Diagram to illustrate effects of Floods, 15. Portion of 6 in. Map of the Harlow District, 60. Diagram of the Severn at the Isle, 63. Mouth of the Lea at Blackwall, 87. Bromley Locks, SS. Old Boating House at Lea Bridge, 95. Springhill Reach, Clapton, 97. High Bridge, Clapton, 97. The Old "Ferry Boat," Tottenham, 98. Lea Anglers, Professional and Amateur, 99. View of Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 101. Banqueting Room in Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 102. Distant view of Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, 107. Section from Enfield Highway to Theydon Hall, 162. Lea River Banks, near Hard-Mead Lock, 209. Amwell Church from the Lea, 211. Sketch-Map, showing position of the Suffolk Boring, 214. The Map illustrating the Physical Geography of South Essex, may either be bound facing page 200, or as a frontispiece. Erratum. Bottom line on p. 200, insert cinereus immediately after the word Thamno- trizon.