THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 13 Mollusca of Essex, and as giving a great number of new observations, the result of a critical examination of all known collections. He also alluded to the kindness shown by Mr. Webb in bringing up with him from Chelmsford the various specimens displayed, and also to Mr. Webb's own contributions to this interesting subject. A vote of thanks to the authors of the paper and to Mr. Webb, was passed. [The paper will appear in a succeeding part of the Essex Naturalist.] The second paper was an Address on '' Variation in Lepidoptera,'' by Mr. J. W. Tutt, F.E.S., President of the City of London Entomological Society (Editor of the Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation), which was read by the author. The Address treated of the following subjects:—Origin of the colours of insects: Structure of the scales of insects; Pigmentary and non- pigmentary colours; General variation ; Influence of Natural Selection in special cases; Melanism; Albinism: Colour as a secondary sexual character: Seasonal dimorphism; Spring and summer seasonal forms; Wet and dry seasonal forms of insects; Geographical races or varieties; Aberrations ; bearing of variation on the origin of species. Mr. Tutt illustrated his remarks by several cabinet trays of specimens of variable English Lepidoptera from his own fine collection, and Mr. Cole exhibited sets of specimens illustrating the same subject, as well as dimorphism and seasonal variation. A short discussion ensued, in which the President, Prof. R. Meldola (to whose Presidential Address to the Entomological Society in January last, on "The Utility of specific characters and Physiological Correlation" Mr. Tutt had referred) and the author, took part. A cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Tutt for his interesting address was passed, and the meeting resolved itself into the usual Conversazione. THE 17TH ANNUAL MEETING. Saturday, March 27TH, 1897. The 17th Annual General Meeting of the Club was held in the small hall at the Loughton Lopping Hall, at 6.30, Mr. David Howard, President, in the Chair. The minutes of the 16th Annual Meeting held on March 28th, 1896, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, vol. ix., pp. 204-206, were taken as read. The Treasurer's Statement of Account, duly signed by the Auditors, Mr. Walter Crouch and Mr. J D. Cooper was read by Mr. Waller, together with a short report on the same (see page 17.) The Report of the Council for the year 1896 was read by the Secretary (see page 16) as well as a short report by Mr. Durrant (who was not present) on the Library. The Statement and Report were received and adopted. At the meeting on March 6th last, the following members were duly proposed for Election into the Council :—