28 THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. Brown, John—(2) A list of shells collected near Walton (really at Clacton) and presented to the Chelmsford Museum in "Geology of the Walton Coast," Essex Herald, Tuesday, August 1st, 1843. For corrected list, see Webb (4). Christy, Miller.—(1.) A collection of land and freshwater shells, containing many species from Essex. Christy, Miller.—(2.) "Notes on an Alluvial Deposit in the Cann Valley, with a list of Mollusca occurring therein." Essex Naturalist, vol. iii. (1889), p. 1. (3.) A collection illustrating the above list, corrected in the Essex Field Club's County Museum, Christy, Reginald.—"Notes on the Geology of the District around Chelmsford, with a list of the Mollusca from the Alluvium at Roxwell, Essex." (The shells were determined by B. B. Woodward.) Essex Naturalist, vol. iii (1889), p. 171. Cole, William—New records. Conchological Society.—"Authenticated Records of Essex Land and Freshwater Mollusca" (by William Denison Roebuck), in manuscript. Crouch, Walter.—"On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Beacontree Hundred, Essex." Essex Naturalist, vol. iv. (1890), p. 202. A collection illustrating the above paper is exhibited in the Club's Epping Forest Museum, Chingford. Essex Field Clue County Museum—A collections of shells from near Colchester (Laver Collection). Specimens from Coggeshall and various localities. Essex Field Clue County Museum.—Collections of Pleistocene shells from Chelmsford (Webb Collection) ; Chignal (Christy Collection) ; Clacton (John Brown Collection). Essex Naturalist.—Notes on Mollusca. The reference is given in each case. French, J.—(1.) "Preliminary List of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca occurring in the neighbourhood of Felstead, Essex." Essex Natur- alist, vol. ii. (1888), pp. 1-3. Additions and Corrections, pp. 46 and 47. French, J.—(2.) "On the Mollusca of the Shell Marl occurring at Felstead and in other parts of Essex." Essex Naturalist, vol. iii. (1889), pp. 11-15, Horsley, J W.—A manuscript note on some Thames Estuary Mollusca. Hughes, Frank.—A note-book chiefly on Bishop's Stortford Shells (see Ingold, with whom he worked). Ingold, E. G.—"List of Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the neighbour- hood of Bishop's Stortford." Essex Naturalist, vol. iv. (1890), pp. 215-217. Additions and Corrections, vol. v. (1891), p. 202. Jenkins, A. J.—" Notes on the Mollusca of the Thames Estuary, with a List of Species observed." Essex Naturalist, vol. v. (1891), pp. 220-232. Kennard, A. S., and Woodward, B. B.—New Records for Post-pliocene Shells. See the note below. King, William Doubleday.—"List of Land and Freshwater Shells of Sud- bury." Zoologist, vol. xi. (1853), pp. 39-43. Laver, Henry.—" On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the District around Colchester." Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. ii. part 6 (1882), pp. 88-97. A collection illustrating the above in the Club's County Museum.