30 THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. Walden district, belongs in reality to the river system of Cambridgeshire. Localities for the species are given under these three headings, and are followed in all cases by the name or initials of the authority for them, or of the museum in which the specimens are preserved. LIST OF THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. Distribution. A. South and West Essex ; valleys of the rivers Lea, Roding, and Crouch. B. Central Essex ; valleys of the rivers Blackwater (Chelmer) and Colne. C. North Essex ; valleys of the rivers Stour and Brook. Classification. The general classification is according to Lang's Text-book of Comparative Anatomy, English edition, part ii. (1896); the families are those given by Fischer in his Manuel de Conchylio- logie, and the generic names adopted by Pilsbry in his Guide to the Study of the Helices have been used ; while in order that the species which do not occur in the county may be noted, all the British species have been given. Signs and Abbreviations. If the name of a species he placed within square brackets, it signifies that the form has hitherto heen found in Essex only in a fossil state ; if, further, the name be in lighter type, the species is not known to occur in the county. An asterisk (*) denotes that specimens are in the possession of the Essex Field Club: a dagger (†) signifies an addition to, a double dagger (‡) a correction in, a published list. Records for fossils are printed in italics. Fossils that have not heen recorded by B. B. Woodward, or which have not been determined by him, A. S. Kennard, or the writer, are placed within square brackets. C.S.R. ... ... Conchological Society's Authenticated Records. E.N. ... ... Essex Naturalist. K. and W. ... Kennard and Woodward. S.W. Museum ... Saffron Walden Museum. W.M.W. ... The Writer.