36 THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. Genus—GEOMALACUS, Allmann, 1846. [Geomalacus maculosus, Allmann.] Ireland contains the only British localities. Genus—PUNCTUM, Morse, 1864.§ Punctum pygmaeum, Draparnaud. A.—Farnham ; (Ingold) : High Beach, Loughton ; (C.S.R., Kew): Warley; (W.M.W.) B.—Chelmsford ; (W.M.W.) : Copford; Witham ; (British Museum): Shalford : (W.M.W.): *Chignal; (Christy, 3.). C.—Saffron Walden ; (S.W. Museum) : Wrabness ; (Shep- pard) : Ramsey ; (Sheppard Collection). Genus—PYRAMIDULA, Fitzinger, 1833. Pyramidula rupestris, Draparnaud. A.—Barking Side; (Crouch). B.—‡No specimens were found in the Christy Collection from Chignal, though this species was recorded in the list. [Pyramidula ruderata, Studer.] Extinct in Britain. B.—Copford : (British Museum). Pyramidula rotundata, Muller. A.—Bishop's Stortford ; (Ingold) : Epping ; (Newstead) : Chingford ; (C.S.R., Kew) : Wanstead ; (Crouch) : Leigh ; Warley ; (W.M.W.) : Walthamstow : (British Museum): Canning Town : (K. and W.): Docks; Crossness; (Woodward). B.—Felstead ; (French) : Coggeshall ; (British Museum) : *Colchester ; (Laver): Witham ; (Turner) : Chelmsford ; (Christy) : Margaretting ; Ingrave ; (W.M.W.) : Fel- stead ; (French) : *Copford ; (British Museum) : Clacton : Witham; (K. and W.): Shalford: (W.M.W.): Chignal; (Christy 3): Roxwell; (R. Christy). C.—Saffron Walden ; (C.S.R., Ashford) : Ramsey ; (Sheppard and Collection) : Wrabness; (Sheppard Coll.). Genus—EULOTA, Hartmann, 1842. [Eulota fruticum, Muller.] This snail is extinct in Britain. A.—Ilford; (British Museum). B.—Mr. Dalton (E.N., vol. iii., 1889, p. 10) says that at a point seven miles north-east of Colchester, in a deposit of marl and peat, "some of the Helices resembled H. fruticum rather than H. rufescens, but none were authoritatively determined—which I now regret." § The species belonging to the following nine genera were, until recently, included in Helix.