THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. 43 with orange varix, 10005,00000 with pink lip, in company with Helix nemoralis ; (Christy) : Yeldham ; (Adams) : *Castle Hedingham; (Cole): Finchingfield; (Bailey): Felstead ; (French) : Stebbing—10005, 00000 with pink lip ; (Christy) : Coggeshall ; Little Tey ; (Adams) : Colchester ; (Laver) : Walton ; (C.S.R., Whitwell) : Witham ; Hatfield ; Wickham Bishops ; Faulkbourne ; Terling ; Fairsted ; Great and Little Braxted ; Riven- hall ; Kelvedon ; Feering ; Markshall ; Pattiswick ; Bradwell ; (Turner) : Great Waltham—1(234)5, with almost colourless bands; Chignal—12345,00000; Chelms- ford—00000 brown, 00000 with pink lip ; Billericay— 00000 ; (Christy) : [Felstead; (French) : ] *Copford ; (British Museum): *Clacton; (Webb, 4): Chignal; (Christy, 3), C.—Bartlow-00000 ; Ashdon—00000 pink lip ; *Saffron Walden ; (S.W. Museum) ; 00000 and with pink lip [12345, (123)(45), with white zone, 10345 all with almost colourless bands]; (Christy): Quendon; (E.N., vol. v., p. 180) : Ramsey; (Sheppard). [Helix pisana, Muller.] Recorded in error by French for ‡ Felstead. This species occurs at Dublin, Tenby, and in the Channel Isles. Genus—BULIMINUS, Beck, 1837. Buliminus montanus, Draparnaud. Essex ; (British Museum). B.—Copford; (K. and W.). Buliminus obscurus, Muller. A.—Bishop's Stortford District ; (Ingold): Broxted; (Hughes) : Redbridge Lane,. Wanstead ; (Crouch). B.—Felstead ; (French) : Coggeshall ; (British Museum) : Colchester ; (Laver) : Pleshey Mount—one of three species showing the albino variation [see Proc. Essex Field Club, vol. iii., p. xciii.] ; Chignal; (Christy) : Chelmsford; (W.M.W.): Copford; (British Museum). C.—Saffron Walden; (S.W. Museum): Wrabness—attention is drawn to the fact that this species plasters its shell with mud ["adventitious protection" of Poulton] ; (Shep- pard and Collection).