46 THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. B.—Coggeshall; (British Museum) : *West Mersea ; (Laver) : Danbury; (Hughes): Chignal; Little Baddow; (Christy): [Felstead: (French):] (‡The specimens from Chignal labelled Balea perversa were young Clausiliae—W.M.W.) C.—Saffron Walden; (S.W. Museum). Genus—CLAUSILIA, Draparnaud, 1805. Clausilia laminata, Montagu. A.—Broxted ; (Hughes) : Walthamstow : (British Museum) : Canning Town; (K. and W.) : Crossness; Docks; (Woodward). B.—Lindsell ; (Christy) : Felstead ; (French) : Beaumont ; (Sheppard Coll.): Coggeshall; (British Museum): Chig- nal; (Christy): *Copford; (British Museum): *Chignal; (Christy,3): Shalford; (W.M.W.): Roxwell; (R. Christy). C.—Saffron Walden ; (S.W. Museum). [Clausilia biplicata, Montagu.] Putney ; (Kensington Gardens ?) ; Easton Grey, Wiltshire—are some of the few British localities for this shell. Clausilia bidentata, Strom. (=rugosa, Draparnaud). A.—Bishop's Stortford; (Ingold): Hatfield Forest ; (E.N., vol. iv., p. 223): Epping; Barking Side; (Newstead) : Redbridge Lane, Wanstead ; (Crouch) : Crossness : (Woodward). B.—Felstead ; (French) : Beaumont ; (Sheppard Coll.) : Coggeshall; (British Museum): Colchester; (Laver): *Birch ; (Laver Coll.) : Kelvedon ; Witham ; (Turner) : Maldon ; (C.S.R., Darbishire) : Pleshey ; Chignal ; Broomfield—in the crop of a blackbird with Hygromia hispida; Chelmsford; (Christy): [Felstead; (French):] *Copford; (British Museum): Witham; (K. and W.J.- Shalford; (W.M.W.): *Chignal; (Christy, 3) : Roxwell; (R. Christy). C.—Saffron Walden ; (S.W. Museum): Wrabness ; Ramsey ; (Sheppard Collection). [Clausilia rolphii, Gray.] B.—[Felstead; (French):] Copford; Witham; (British Museum). [Clausilia pumila, Ziegler.] A form extinct in Britain, but occurring fossil at Crayford and Barnwell, and shown to be distinct from Clausilia biplicata by B. B. Woodward. Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. x., No. 7, p. 357.