72 THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. orbis nitidus is recorded, but it was afterwards struck out) : Coggeshall; (British Museum) : *West Bergholt ; (Laver Coll.): Colchester ; (Laver): Chignal; (Christy): Chelmsford ; (C.S.R., Ashford) : Copford; Raine; (British Museum) ; Clacton ; (K. and W.). C.—Saffron Walden ; (C.S.R., Ashford) : Ramsey Decoy Pond ; (Sheppard and Collection). Planorbis lineatus, Walker (=nitidus, Muller in part). A.—Hatfield; (Hughes): River Roding ; (Crouch): Ilford; (British Museum) ; Grays ; (Woodward after S. V. Wood). B.—Clacton ; (K. and W.). C.—River Stour; (Laver has seen shells from this river). Family—Physidae. Genus—PHYSA, Draparnaud, 1801. Physa fontinalis, Linne. A.—Bishop's Stortford; (Ingold): Hatfield Forest; (E.N., vol. iv., p. 223) : Wanstead Park; River Roding; Abridge ; (Newstead) : Fern Hall ; Whip's Cross ; (Crouch) : Canning Tenon ; (K. and W.) : Walthamstow ; (British Museum). B.—River Colne, Halstead ; (Adams) : Pond in Park Meadows, Felstead ; (French) : Coggeshall; (Turner) : Colchester ; (British Museum and Laver) : Witham ; (Turner) : River Chelmer and Beeleigh Mill; (E.N., vol. v., p. 253) : River Cann, Chelmsford ; (W.M.W.). (J The specimens from Chignal were Physa hypnorum.— W.M.W.); Clacton; (K. and W.). C.—Saffron Walden ; (S.W. Museum). Physa hypnorum, Linne. A.—[‡Given by Ingold for Bishop's Stortford, but not taken by Hughes.] Barking Side ; (Crouch) : Lea Valley ; (K. and W.). B.—Mill Lands Brook, Felstead ; (French) : Little Tey ; (Adams) : *Colchester ; (Laver) : Frating ; (British Museum) : Chignal ; (Christy) : *Copford ; (British Museum): Shalford; (W.M.W.) : *†Chignal; (Christy, 3): Roxwell; (R. Christy). C.—Wrabness and Ramsey ; (Sheppard Collection).