THE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCS OF ESSEX. 81 Additions. [Vertigo minutissima, Hartmann;] Clacton; (K. and W , after S. V. Wood). [Vertigo alpestris, Alder.] Chignal; (in Christy Collection, W.M.W.). The following localities for fossils should be added for the species given after them. The records are on the authority of Messrs. Woodward and Kennard—if not marked otherwise, § Signifies S. V, Wood, t S. P. Woodward ;— Ilford : Pyramidula ruderata (after J. G. Jeffreys); Succinea oblonga (after Morris). Grays : Punctum pygmaeum § ; Pyramidula rotundata §. Clacton: Vitrea crystallina, V. cellaria $, V. pura §, V. excavata, V. nitida §, V. fulva ; Pyramidula ruderata ; Acanthinula aculeata; Helicigona lapicida; Buliminus montanus-, Pupa cylindracea § ; Vertigo minutissima, V. antivertigo§, V. pygmaea §, K. pusilla § ; Clau- silia laminata ; Cochlicopa lubrica ; Azeca tridens ; Succinea putris, S. oblonga. Witham : Vertigo pygmaea †. Chignal; Vertigo alpestris; (W.M.W.). Harwich; Vitrea cellaria† ; Pyramidula rotundata †; Acanthinula aculeata † ; Vertigo substriata † Clausilia bidentata †. Corrections. In the earlier part of the paper "Crossness" is erroneously given as an Essex locality. Page 34, line 2. Under Vitrea nitidula "Ilford" should be omitted. Page 41, line 8. Before "Chignal" insert ": Shalford ; (W.M.W.)." Page 43, line 27. For "Copford" read "Clacton." Page 43, line 31. Vertigo angustior was accidentally omitted from the printed "Walton" (i.e. Clacton) list (Webb, 4), but shells of this species are in the collection and the writer's manuscript list. Page 45, last line but one. Under Balea perversa omit "Grays." Page 45, line 26. Insert Tilbury; (K. and W.). Page 46, line 35. Omit "Witham." Page 46, line 37. Omit "Crayford." Page 47, line 30, After "CAECILIANELLA" read "Bourguinat, 1856."