THE POST-PLIOCENE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA OF ESSEX. 89 column is a list of the British Non-marine Molluscan Fauna (the names of the extinct forms being in ordinary type); in the second column their presence in Essex is noted ; whilst in the subsequent columns are placed the various records under the several localities. It has been considered advisable to include a full Bibliography for the convenience of those students who in the future may wish to work at this subject. BIBLIOGRAPHY. (1.) 1834. Wood (S. V.)—" Lacustrine Deposits in the Tertiary Beds." Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii., pp. 275-7. (2.) 1834. Brown (J.)—" A Notice of some of the contents of the Fresh- water Formation at Copford, near Colchester." Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii., pp. 436-S. (3.) 1836. Brown (J.)—" A Notice of the Geological conditions ascertained from two Sections in the Brickfield at Copford, Essex." Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. ix., pp. 420-431. (4.) 1836. Morris (Prof. J.)—" On a Freshwater Deposit containing Mammalian remains recently discovered at Grays, Essex." Mag, Nat. Hist., vol. ix., pp. 261-4. (5.) 1838. Morris (Prof. J.)—" On the Deposits containing Carnivora and other Mammalia in the Valley of the Thames.' Mag, Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. ii., pp. 539-48. (The last two pages contain G. B. Sowerby's descriptions and figures of the new shells.) (6.) 1840, Brown (J.)—"Notice of a Fluvio-marine Deposit containing Mammalian remains occurring in the parish of Little Clacton, on the Essex Coast." Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 2, vol. iv., pp. 197-201. (7.) 1841. Brown (J.)—"A List of the Fossil Shells found in a Fluvio- marine Deposit at Clacton, in Essex." Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. vii., pp. 427-9. (8.) 1843. Brown (J.)—" On some Pleistocene Deposits near Copford." Proc. Geo., Soc., vol. iv. (no. 94), pp. 164-5. (9.) 1847. Cotton (Dr. R. P.)—"On the Pliocene Deposits of the Valley of the Thames at Ilford." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol, xx., pp. 164-9. (10.) 1852. Brown (J.)—" On the Upper Tertiaries at Copford, Essex." Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. viii., pp. 184-93. (11.) 1856. Wood (S. V.)—" A Monograph of the Crag Mollusca." (Palaeont Soc., vol. ii, pp. 304-10). (12.) 1867. Dawkins (Prof. W. B.)—"On the Age of the lower Brick-earths of the Thames Valley." Quart. Jour Geol, Soc., vol. xxiii., pp. 91-101. (13.) 1868. Fisher (Rev. O.)—"A few Notes on Clacton, Essex." Geol. Mag., vol. v., pp. 213-15. (14.) 1869. Tylor (A.)—" On Quarternary Gravels." Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, vol. xxv., pp. 57-100. (An abstract of this appeared in the preceding volume under the fuller title, "On the Quarternary Gravels of England.")