90 THE POST-PLIOCENE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA OF ESSEX. (15.) 1869. Woodward (Dr. H.)—" The Freshwater Deposits of the Valley of the Lea near Walthamstow, Essex." Geol, Mag., vol. vi., pp. 385- 8. Also Trans. Essex Field Club, vol. iii, pp. 1-29. (16.) 1877. Whitaker (W.)—" The Geology of the Eastern end of Essex." Mm. Geol. Surv. (17.) 1878. Corder (H.)—" Notes on a Freshwater Deposit at Chignal St. James, near Chelmsford." Proc. Norwich Geol. Soc., pt. 1, pp. 31-3. (18.) 1878. Whitaker (W.) —" The Geology of the North-west part of Essex." Mem. Geol. Surv. (19.) 1878. Wood (S. V.)—" Second Supplement to the Monograph of the Crag Mollusca." Palaeont. Soc., p. 69. (20.) 1879. Clark (J. E.)—"Recent Shell Deposits." Nat. Hist. Jour., vol. iii., pp. 3-7. (21.) 1880. Dalton (W. H.)—" The Geology of the neighbourhood of Colchester." Mem. Geol. Surv. (22.) 1882. Wood (S. V., jun.)—" The Newer Pliocene Period in England." Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxviii., pp. 667-745. (23.) 1886. Bell (A.)—" The Succession of the later Tertiaries in Great Britain." Geol. Mag. (dec. iii.), vol. iii., pp. 67-78. (24.) 1888. French (J.)—"On the Alluvial and other recent Deposits at Felstead, Essex." Essex Nat, vol. ii., pp. 56-60. (25.) 1889. Christy (R. Miller).—" Notes on an Alluvial Deposit in the Cann Valley, with a list of the Mollusca occurring therein." Essex Nat., vol. iii., pp. 1-10. (Remarks by W. H. Dalton, F.G.S. Read March 31st, 1883; revised December, 1888.) (26.) 1889. Christy (R. W.)—" Notes on the Geology of the District around Chelmsford, with a list of Mollusca from the Alluvium at Roxwell, Essex." Essex Nat., vol. iii., pp. 171-178. (Remarks by W. H. Dalton, F.G.S.) (27.) 1889. French (J.)—" On the Mollusca of the Shell-marl occurring at Felstead and in other parts of Essex." Essex Nat., vol. iii., pp. 11- 16. (Remarks by W. H. Dalton, F.G.S.) (28.) 1889. Spurrell (F.C.J.)—"On the Estuary of the Thames and its Alluvium." Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xi., pp. 210-30. (29.) 1889. Whitaker (W.)—" The Geology of London." Mem. Geol. Surv., vol. i., pp. 328-478. (30.) 1890. Abbott (W. J. L.)—" Notes on some Pleistocene Sections in and near London." Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xi., pp. 473-80. (31.) 1890. Woodward (B. B.)—" On the Pleistocene (non-marine) Mol- lusca of the London District." Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xi., pp. 335-388. (32) 1894. Webb (W. M.)—" Pleistocene Non-marine Mollusca from Walton-on-the-Naze." Essex Nat., vol. viii., pp. 160-2. (33.) 1895. Webb (W. M.)—" Note on the Shells from the Brickearth at Chelmsford." Essex Nat., vol, ix., pp. 19-20. (34.) 1896. Kennard (A. S.)—" Unio littoralis in Pleistocene Times," Science Gossip (new series), vol. iii., pp. 118-9.