100 THE POST-PLIOCENE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA OF ESSEX. There are five new records :—Helicella caperata, Clausilia rolphii, Vertigo edentula, V. moulinsiana, and Physa fontinalis. The four latter species being all new for the Pleistocene of Essex. The examples of Unio littoralis are said to have often had the two valves united, and several pairs are known, one of which at the Natural History Museum is remarkable for having traces of its coloured periostracum preserved. It measures 69 x 47 x 28 mm. Numerous marine shells have also been recorded from this locality, besides several species of Ostracoda and plants. SHOEBURYNESS. In the Prestwich Collection are numerous examples of Corbicula fluminalis labelled Shoeburyness. That the locality is correct there can be no doubt, as the late Professor Prestwich mentions its occurrence there in one of his early papers. We can obtain no further information about this deposit, and we would call the attention of members of the Essex Field Club to it, in order that it may be properly investigated. HARWICH. The only published list of shells from this locality is to be found in the Geological Survey Memoir on Walton Naze and Harwich (16), and contains fourteen names on the authority of a M.S. by the late Dr. S. P. Woodward. So far as we can trace there are only two collections extant—one at the Natural History Museum, a part of the Lyell collection and containing ten species ; while five species are in the Geological Society's Museum. From these collections we are able to verify five records, whilst seven species are new, and nine in the published list are unrepresented. The new records are :— Helix nemoralis Carychium minimum Vertigo antivertigo Limnaea palustris Vertigo angustior Paludestrina ventrosa Succinea elegans. The missing species are listed on the authority of the recorder, but some changes in the nomenclature arc necessary :— Bythinia ventricosa = Bythinia leachii, Clausilia nigricans = Clausilia bidentata, Helix spinulosa = Acanthinula aculeata, Zonites rotundatus = Pyramidula rotundata. Littorina sp. is also included in Dr. Woodward's list : the presence cf which, with Paludestrina ventrosa, clearly indicate slightly estuarine conditions. One of