THE POST-PLIOCENE NON-MARINE MOLLUSCA OF ESSEX. 103 was picked off the stuff that had been thrown down from the section and must have come from one of the sandy patches mentioned. The other shells are :— Pupa muscorum Planorbis spirobis Limnaea pereger ,, marginatus Planorbis corneus? Bythinia tentaculata. With the exception of H. itala, all the species are found at Grays, and as they come from the same series of beds they are so included in the table. ILFORD. To Professor J. Morris we are indebted for the first list from this locality. This was in 1838, and contained ten names (5). In 1867, Professor Boyd Dawkins quoted twenty species as occurring (12), and the list was further extended in 1869 by Mr. A. Tylor on the authority of Mr. Alfred Bell (14) ; while in 1890 Mr. B. B. Woodward listed twenty species from existing speci- mens and ten on the authority of the several recorders (31). It must always be a matter of regret that a small portion of the energy which was devoted to obtaining the Vertebrate remains was not directed to the Mollusca, especially since the shell-beds are now worked away. That the shells were formerly extremely common there is no reason to doubt, as Dr. Cotton remarked in 1847, "The two genera of shells of which hundreds may often be obtained at one visit are Helix and Cyrena, but Unio and Planorbis are not uncommon, and Ancylus, Succinea, Valvata, Limnaeus, Cyclas, and Paludina have been discovered. They are chiefly seen in the layers of sand upon which the brick-earth reposes and beneath the bones, but are sometimes intermixed with them, and have been found even within the cavities of the bones. They appear to be partial in their distribution, and are not met with in the former cutting (i.e., north side of London Road— Curtis' Brickfield) (9). For some years past Dr. Frank Corner has assiduously collected at Ilford, and he most generously placed his collection at our service. Mr. W. M. Webb has also a few specimens, one of which, Succinea elegans, is a new record. Dr. Corner's collection has enabled us to materially swell the list, no less than ten species being new, viz. :— Helicigona arbustorum Planorbis vortex Helicella virgata ,, spirobis Pupa cylindracea ,, contortus Valvata cristata Pisidium astartoides Planorbis glaber ,, pusillum.