284 NOTES ON THE CONFERENCE OF DELEGATES OF THE CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION, TORONTO, 1897. [Compiled by the Editor.] MR. T. V. Holmes, the Secretary to the Conference, who has for the last few years acted as the Delegate of the Essex Field Club, was unable to go to Canada with the Association, and Prof. Meldola, F.R.S., acted in that capacity. Prof. Meldola gave a brief verbal report of the proceedings of the Conference at our meeting on December nth last (ante p. 232), but in continuation of the series of notices of the proceedings which have appeared regularly in the publica- tions of the Club since the establishment of these Conferences in August, 1882, it may be well to print here a few notes of the Toronto Conference. The first meeting was held in the University on August 19th, Prof. Meldola being Chairman, with Mr. J. Hopkinson, F.L.S., as Secretary. The first subject brought up for discussion was the Report on the scheme for Federation of Local Societies suggested by Mr. Abbott at the Liverpool Meeting the previous year. This matter has been somewhat fully explained by Mr. Holmes and Prof. Boulger in papers printed in the Essex Naturalist, 1 and consequently a few words only are needed here to show the present position of the question. In answer to the circular requesting opinions on the scheme, which was sent to 66 Corres- ponding Societies and to 58 others, only 34 replies were received. These may be classified thus :— The Report comments on this list as follows :— "The two Societies prevented by circumstances from joining Unions are the Cambridge Philosophical Society and the Marlborough College Natural History Society. In the replies from the four Societies classed as 1 Mr. Holmes' Report as Delegate, E.N., vol. XI., pp. 236-241; Prof. Boulger's paper, "The Federation Ideal for Natural History Societies, with special reference to the Eastern Counties." E.N., vol. X., pp. 51-55.