TWO INTERESTING PRIMULA PLANTS. 309 (II.) ON PRIMULA ELATIOR x VERIS. Fifteen years ago, I recorded1 in the publications of this Society the occurrence in Britain (for the first time, so far as known) of hybrid plants between the "True" Oxlip (Primula elatior) and the Common Cowslip (P. veris). Kerner had pre- viously called attention2 to the occurrence of this hybrid on the Continent. The two species occasionally grow there in close proximity; but, in spite of this fact, the hybrid in question Hybrid between Primula elatior and P. veris. Horningsheath, Suffolk occurs there so extremely rarely that Kerner was led to remark on it. The same observation certainly holds good for England. When I published my original record, I was only able to cite two occasions on which I had met with examples of this hybrid—in Madghob's Wood, Saffron Walden, on April 23rd, 1883, and on a 1 Transactions of the Essex Field Club, iii. (1884), pp. 205-206. 2 Oester. Bot. Zeit., xv. (1875), p. 80.