313 THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST, WITH SOME GENERAL REMARKS ON THE GROUP. (Continued from page 274.) By D. J. SCOURFIELD. [Read November 27th. 1897.] Part III. A DETAILED LIST OF THE EPPING FOREST SPECIES.1 THE following list of the Entomostraca found in Epping Forest contains references to the principal synonyms under which some of the forms have been previously alluded to by authors in this country, and also references to the. British publications in which figures and descriptions of the species recorded may be found. A number of miscellaneous notes in connection with the individual species have likewise been added, but nothing has been said about their comparative abundance or seasonal distribution, as all the available data on these subjects have already been given. With regard to the rarer species, the stations from which they have been taken have also been mentioned, if these are not already fully apparent from the first Table in Part II. PHYLLOPODA. [Chirocephalus diaphanus, Prevost. According to Baird (2),2 p. 54, this species was found near Epping by Mr. Doubleday. It does not appear to have been since recorded, and can scarcely be included in the list of Epping Forest Entomostraca', but I have thought it advisable to call attention to the fact that it has been found in the district, although so long ago.] CLADOCERA. Family— SIDIDAE . Sida crystallina, 0. F. Muller.—Baird (2), Bolton (6). This beautiful species has only been taken in the "Shoulder of Mutton Pond" and the adjoining pool in Wanstead Park. 1 Part I., "Some General Remarks on Entomostraca" was printed ante pp. 193-210; and Part II., "Chief Results of Work 011 the Entomostraca cf Epping Forest," at pp. 259-274 ante.—[Ed.] 2 The figures in brackets " ( )" refer to the numbers of the papers in the Bibliography appended (See Part IV.. pp. 328-334).