318 THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. but Prof. Sars informs me that it is certainly not the form described by himself under that name. I may mention that I have also seen specimens of the variety here referred to from Shetland (through the kindness of Mr. T. Scott), from Fleet in Hampshire, and from the Lake District. Camptocercus rectirostris, Schodler.—C. macrurus (probably), Baird (2), Norman and Brady (56), Scourfield (82 and 85). This seems to be the usual British form, and as it differs considerably from that known to continental workers as typical C. macrurus, it seems advisable to employ Schodler's name for it. Acroperus harpae, Baird, and Variety. 1. Acroperus harpae.(typical) x 60. 2. ,, ,, (variety) :x 60. Leydigia quadrangularis, Leydig.—Lynceus acanthocercoides (probably), Norman and Brady (56); Leydigia acanthocercoides, Scourfield (82 and 85). My friend, Mr. T. Scott, informs me that he has had specimens of the true L. acanthocercoides from Prof. Sars, and that they differ from the common British form, which must therefore be called L. quadrangularis. Graptoleberis testudinaria, Fischer.— Lynceus testu- dinarius, Norman and Brady (56). Alona guttata, Sars.—Lynceus guttatus, Norman and Brady (56). Alona tenuicaudis, Sars.—Lynceus tenuicaudis, Norman and Brady (56).