THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. 319 Alona quadrangularis, O. F, Muller.—Baird (2); Lynceus quadrangularis, Norman and Brady (56); A. costata, Scott (79, Part I.) Alona affinis, Leydig.—Hodgson (43), Scourfield (85) ; A. quadrangularis, Scott (79, Part I.) Alona costata, Sars.—Lynceus costatus, Norman and Brady (56). Alona rectangula, Sars.—Alona intermedia, Scourfield (81, 82 and 85). Prof. Sars informs me that the little Alona recorded as A. intermedia (81) is not the same as that so named by him, but that it is unquestionably the species described as A. rectangula. It also seems to be the same as the A. pulchra of Matile's paper, "Cladoceren der Umgegend von Moskau" (Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscow, Vol. IV., 1890). Alona rustica, T. Scott (79, Part I.)—As already mentioned in Part I., this species was only obtained by washing pieces of wet moss. These were taken from a bog by the side of Lodge Road leading to Copped Hall. Alonella excisa, Fischer.—Lynceus exiguus (in part pro- bably), Norman and Brady (56). Besides the two localities given in Table I., this little species has also been taken in a tiny pond close to the "Wake Arms." Alonella nana, Baird.—Acropems nanus, Baird (2); Lynceus nanus, Norman and Brady (56). Alonella rostrata, Koch.—Lynceus rostratus, Norman and Brady (56). Pleuroxus trigonellus, O. F. Muller.—Baird (2); Lynceus trigonellus, Norman and Brady (56). Pleuroxus uncinatus, Baird.—Baird (2); Lynceus uncinatus, Norman and Brady (56). Peracantha truncata, O. F. Muller.— Baird (2); Lynceus truncatus, Norman and Brady (56). Chydorus sphaericus, 0. F. Muller.—-Baird (2); Lynceus sphaericus, Norman and Brady (56). Chydorus caelatus, Schodler.—Lynceus sphaericus var. favosa, Brady (II); C. caelatus, Scourfield (85). Only noticed from the pond just south of the Wake Valley Pond. Chydorus latus, Sars.—C. ovalis, Scourfield (81); C. latus, Scourfield (85). In addition to Eagle Pond and Leyton Flats,