320 THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. this species has been taken in a pool in the piece of Forest lying between Oak Hill and the East London Waterworks, Walthamstow. Chydorus globosus, Baird.—Baird (2); Lynceus globosus, Norman and Brady (56). Monospilus tenuirostris, Fischer.—Norman and Brady (56), T. Scott (64, Part II.) The presence of this very peculiar species in the Forest district was first ascertained by its being found in the stomach of a roach from the Eagle Pond. It has since been taken with the net from the same piece of water. BRANCHIURA. Argulus foliaceus, Linn.—Baird (2), Bolton (6). OSTRACODA.3 Family—Cyprididae:. Cypria exsculpta, Fischer.—Cypris striolata, Brady (10); Cypria exsculpta, Brady and Norman (21). Cypria ophthalmica, Jurine. — Cypris compressa, Baird (2), Brady (10). Cyclocypris serena, Koch.— Cypris lavis, Brady (10); Cypris serena, Brady and Norman (21, Part I.), Scourfield (82). Cyclocypris laevis, O. F. Muller.—Cypris minuta, Baird (2); Cypris ovum, Brady (10); Cypria lavis, Brady and Norman (21, Part I.) Cypris fuscata, Jurine. - Cypris fusca, Baird (2), Brady (10). Cypris incongruens, Ramdohr.—Brady (10). The two records of this species were from duck-ponds at Chingford Hatch and Sewardstone. Cypris virens, Jurine.—C. tristriata, Baird (2); C. virens, Brady (10). This large species is essentially an inhabitant of very small pieces of water, especially such as are well stocked with aquatic vegetation. 3 Brady and Norman's Monograph of the Ostracoda (21), as amended by the Appendix to the second part, has been followed in the naming ot these animals.