322 THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. Candona candida, O. F. Muller.— C. lucens, Baird (2); C. candida, Brady (10). Candona lactea, Baird.—Baird (2a), Brady (10). Besides the two localities mentioned in Table I., this species has also been taken in a pond near High Beach village. Candona compressa, Koch.—C. compressa and C. albicans, Brady (10) ; C. pubescens, Brady and Norman (21, Part I). Like Herpetocypris tumefacta this has only been obtained from the little brook near the entrance to Gilbert's Slade. Candona pubescens, Koch. — C. abbreviata (Brady M.S.), Scourfield (82) ; C. pubescens, Brady and Norman (21, Part II.) This species, which was at first thought by Prof. G. S. Brady to be new to science, has since been identified with one of Koch's forms. Within the Epping Forest area it has only been found at Wanstead Park and this is in fact its only known British locality, as the reference to Pavenham in Brady and Norman's "Monograph" (21, Part II.), p. 729, was made, under a mis- understanding. Candona fabaeformis, Fischer.—C. diaphana, Brady and Robertson (21a); C fabaeformis, Brady and Norman (21). The specimens from Higham Park have been of the ordinary form, but those from the other localities have differed somewhat from the type although agreeing among themselves. Family—Cytheridae. Limnicythere inopinata, Baird.—Cythere inopinata, Baird (2); L. inopinata, Brady (10). Found in the "Green Man" pond, Leytonstone, as well as the two stations given in Table I. COPEPODA,4 Family—Centropagidae. Diaptomus castor, Jurine.—Baird (2), Lubbock (48), Brady, in part, (16), Brady (19). This large species is practically confined to small weedy pools, such as occur plentifully on Leyton Flats. Diaptomus gracilis, Sars. —D. westwoodii, Lubbock (48); D, gracilis, Brady (19). The absence of this very common 4 The nomenclature adopted by Schmeil (103) has been followed as closely as possible for these animals.