THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. 323 species from Connaught Water is perhaps the most remarkable fact about its distribution in the Epping Forest area. Diaptomus vulgaris, Schmeil.—D. coeruleus, Schmeil (103, Part III.), 1896. In a "Nachtrag" to "Deutschlands freilebende Susswasser Copepoden" Schmeil says that the name coeruleus must be abandoned in compliance with the rules issued for the guidance of contributors to the great zoological work now appearing, "Das Tierreich." He therefore proposes the name vulgaris, as the species is one of the commonest of the genus on the Continent, or at any rate in Germany. Diaptomus vulgaris, Schmeil. (= D. coeruleus, Fischer). 1. Fifth feet of male x 120. 2. One of the fifth feet of female X 120. 3. End of thorax and first segment of abdomen of female x Ho. (After Schmeil). This species, which has not hitherto been recorded as British, has been found so far only in "The Lake," Wanstead Park. It is probably much more common in this country, however, than might be supposed from this circumstance, as it is more than likely that this form has been mistaken for D. gracilis, to which it is very closely allied. The accompanying