328 THE ENTOMOSTRACA CF EPPING FOREST. Part IV. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE LITERATURE RE- LATING TO THE BRITISH FRESH-WATER ENTOMOSTRACA. Note.- Works issued prior to 1850, the date of the publication of Baird's "Natural History of the British Entomostraca," have not been included, (1.) Andrews (A.) [Entomostraca from Lough Corrib.] Quarterly Journal of Micro. Science, vol. xii., 1872, p. 194. (2.) Baird (W.) Natural History of the British Entomostraca. Ray Society, 1850, (2A ) Baird (W.) " Description of several new species of Entomostraca Proc Zool. Soe., London 1850, pp. 254-7. (3.) Baird (W.) " Notes on the Food of some Fresh-water Fishes, more particularly the Vendace and Trout." Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. vi., 1857, p. 17. (4.) Baird (W.) " Our Fresh-water Entomostraca, Shell-Insects or Water- Fleas." Popular Science Review, vol. vi., 1867, p. 42. (5.) Beck (C.) " On some new Cladocera of the English Lakes." Journal Royal Microscopical Society, ser. 2, vol. iii., 1883, p. 777. (6.) Bolton (T.) Portfolio of Drawings. 1879-1884. [Contains drawings and descriptions oi several species of Fresh-water Entomostraca] (7 ) Brady (G. S.) " Entomostraca (Water-Fleas)." Intellectual Observer, vol. i., 1862, p. 446. (8.) Brady (G. S.) " Species of Ostracoda new to Britain." Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xiii., 1864, p. 59 ; and Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. vi., 1864, p. 105. (9.) Brady (G. S.) " Synopsis of the recent British Ostracoda." Intellec- tual Observer, vol xii., 1867, p. 110. (10). Brady' (G. S.) " Monograph of Recent British Ostracoda." Trans. Linnean Soc, vol. xxvi., 1868, p. 353. (11.) Brady (G. S.) " Notes on the Crustacean Fauna of the English Lakes." Intellectual Observer, vol. xii., 1868, p. 416. (12.) Brady (G. S.) " Description of an Entomostracan inhabiting a Coal Mine." Quarterly Journal of Micro. Science, vol. ix., 1868, p. 23. (13.) Brady" (G. S.) " Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca." Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. ii., 1868, pp. 30, 178, 220 ; vol. iii., 1869, p. 45 ; vol. iv., 1870, p. 450. (14) Brady (G. S.) " Notes on Entomostraca taken chiefly in the Northum- berland and Durham District." Nat. Hist. 'Trans. Northumberland and Durham, vol. iii., 1870, p. 361. (15) Brady (G. S ) " Micro Fauna of the Fen District." Nature, vol. i., 1870, p. 483. (16.) Brady (G. S.) Monograph of the free and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands. Ray Society, 3 vols., 1878-1880.