330 THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. (33.) Hardy (W. B.) " The Protective Functions of the Skin of certain animals." Journal of Physiology, vol. xiii., 1892, p. 309. (34.) Hardy (W. B.) and Mac Dougall (W.) " Structure and Functions of Alimentary Canal of Daphnia." Proc. Cambridge Philosophical Soc. vol. viii., 1894, p. 41. (35.) Hartog (M. M.) "A preliminary Abstract of an investigation of the nervous system of Cyclops." Proceedings Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc., vol. xviii., 1879, p. 48. (36.) Hartog (M. M.) " On Cyclops " Report Brit. Association, 1879, p. 376. 37.) Hartog (M. M.) " The Anal Respiration of the Copepoda.'' Quarterly Journal of Micro. Science, vol. xx t 1880, p. 244. (Also in Proc. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc, vol. xix., 1880, p. 6l.) (38.) Hartog (M. M ) " Some undescribed hairs in Copepoda." Proceed- ings Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc, vol. xix., 1880, p. 41. (39.) Hartog (M. M.) " The Unpaired Eye of Crustacea." Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist , ser. 5, vol. x., 1882, p. 71. (40.) Hartog (M. M.) " Morphology of Cyclops and the relations of the Copepoda." Trans. Linn. Soc, ser. 2, Zool, vol. v., 1888, p. 1. (An abstract of this paper appeared in the Journ. Linn. Soc, vol. xviii., 1884, p. 332). (41.) Hodgson (T. V.) " Synopsis of the British Cladocera." Journ Birmingham Nat. Hist. and Philo. Soc, vol. i., 1895, p. 101. (Appendix to Synopsis, p. 135) (42.) Hodgson (T. V.) [Entomostraca found at Ellesmere.] Midland Union of Nat. Hist. Societies— Report of 17th Ann. Meeting, 1895, pp. 10 and 11. (43,) Hodgson (T. V.) " Cladocera from the West of Ireland." Irish Naturalist, vol. iv., 1895, p. 190. (44.) Hogan (A. R.) "On Daphnia schaefferi." Report British Association, 1861, p. 146, (45.) Holland (Major) " Prehensile antennae of the Entomostraca." Science Gossip, 1869, p. 127. (46.) Lankester (E. R.) " New British Cladocera discovered by Mr. Conrad Beck in Grasmere Lake, Westmoreland." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ix., 1882, p. 53. (47.) Lubbock (J.) " An account of the two methods of reproduction in Daphnia and of the structure of the Ephippium." Philosophical Trans. Royal Soc, vol. cxlvii , 1857, p. 79. (48.) Lubbock (J.) " Notes on some new or little known species of Fresh- water Entomostraca." Trans. Linn. Soc, vol. xxiv., 1863, P. 197. (49.) Lubbock (J ) " On the occurrence of Leptodora hyalina in England." Report Brit. Association, 1879, p. 369. (50.) Lubbock (J.) " On the sense of colour among some of the lower animals." Journ. Linn. Soc, Zoology, vol. xvi., 1882, p. 121, and vol xvii., 1883, p. 205. (Reproduced almost in full in the same author's Senses of Animals—Int. Scientific Series).