THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. 331 (51.) Marshall (A. M.) " On the habits and life-history of Leptodor- hyalina." Midland Naturalist, vol. iii., 1880, p. 49. (52.) Marshall (W. P.) " On Leptodora hyalina." Midland Naturalist, vol, iii., 1880, p. 257. (53.) Mosley (G.) " Daphnia pulex." Memoirs Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc, ser. 2, vol. xv., 1860, p. 311. (54.) Norman (A. M.) " Species of Ostracoda new to Britain." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. ix., 1862, p. 46 ; and Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. v., p. 148. (55.) Norman (A. M.) " On Acantholeberis (Lilljeborg) a genus of Entomos- traca new to Britain." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. xi., 1863, p. 410, and Trans. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, vol. vi., 1864, p. 52. (56.) Norman (A. M.) and Brady (G. S ) " Monograph of the British Entomostraca belonging to the families Bosminidae, Macrothricidae, and Lynceidae," Nat, Hist. Trans. Northum. and Durham, vol. i., 1867, P. 354. (57) Quekett Microscopical Club. " Lists of objects found on the Excursions of the Club." Journ. Quek. Micro. Club, vols., iv., v., and vi., 1889-1897. [Contains numerous records of Entomostraca from the neighbourhood of London] (58.) Richter (H. C.) " The Heart of Daphnia." Science Gossip, 1868, p. 227. (59.) Robertson (D.) " Notes on Cypris lavis and its habit of perforating the leaves of Victoria regia." Proc. Nat. Hist. Soe. Glasgow, vol. ii., 1875, p. 7. (60.) Robertson, (D.) " Fauna of Scotland, with special reference to Clydesdale and the western districts.—Fresh and brackish water Ostracoda." Proc Nat. Hist. Soe., Glasgow, vol. iv., 1880, p. 77. (61.) Rosseter (T. B.) "On the male generative organs of two species of Cypris: C. cinerea and C. minuta." Journal of Microscopy and Nat. Science, vol. vii 1888, p. 231. (62.) Rosseter (T. B.) [Various papers on the Cysticercus forms of Tape- worms, found in Entomostraca—Cypris and Cyclops]. Journal Quekett Micro. Club, vol. iv., 1891, p. 361, vol. v., 1893, p. 179, vol. v., 1894, p. 338, vol. vi., 1897, p. 305, and p. 314. (63.) Rousselet (C.) " Unrecorded Daphnia." [Daphnarella longisetata = Lathonura rectirostris.] Science Gossip, vol. xxiv., 1888, pp. 36 and 188. (64.) Scott (T) " Invertebrate Fauna of the Inland Waters of Scotland." Annual Reports of the Fishery Board for Scotland. Part I., 1890, in 8th. An. Rep., p. 334 : Part II., 1981, in 9th. An. Rep., p. 269 ; Part III., 1893, in 11th. An. Rep., p. 220 ; Part IV., 1894, in 12th. An. Rep., p. 284 ; Part V., 1895, in 13th. An. Rep., p. 237 ; Part VI., 1896, in 14th. An. Rep., p. 167 ; Part VII., 1897, in 15th. An., Rep., p. 316.