332 THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF EPPING FOREST. (65.) Scott (T.) " Notes on some Fresh-water, Brackish-water and marine Entomostraca new to the Fauna of Orkney." Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, Glasgow, vol. iii., 1890, p. 91. (G6.) Scott (T.) " Notes on a small collection of Freshwater Ostracoda from the Edinburgh District." Proc. Roy. Physical Soc, Edinburgh, vol. x., 1891, p. 313. (67.) Scott (T.) " Ilyocryptus sordidus, Lievin, in Lochend Loch, Edin- burgh " Annals Scot. Nat. Hist., 1892, p. 273. (68.) Scott (T.) "Land and Fresh-water Crustacea of the district around Edinburgh." Proc. Royal Physical Soc. Edinburgh. Part II., (Ostracoda and Copepoda) 1893, in Vol. XII., p. 45. Part III., (Cladocera) 1894, in Vol. XII., p. 362. (69.) Scott (T.) " Some Entomostraca from Castlemilk, near Rutherglen." Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc, Glasgow, vol. iv. (N.S.), 1894, p. 69. (70.) Scott (T.) " Some Fresh-water Entomostraca from the Island of Mull, Argyllshire." Prof. Roy. Physical Soc, Edinburgh, vol. xii,, 1894, P- 321 (71.) Scott (T.) " The Food of Utricularia vulgaris, an insectivorous plant. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. 1894, P. 105. (72.) Scott (T.) " Diaptomus serricornis in Lochs in Barra and North Uist.' Ann. Sect. Nat. Hist., 1894, p. 258. (73.) Scott (T.) " Cladocera from Barra and North Uist." Ann. Sect. Nat. Hist., 1895, p. 59. (74.) Scott (T.) " Notes on Fresh-water Entomostraca, with special reference to Loch Leven." Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1895, p. 163. (74A.) Scott (T. and A.) " On some new or rare Scottish Entomostraca. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. xi., 1893, p. 210. (75.) Scott (T. and A.) " Some new and rare Crustacea from Scotland." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6., vol. xv., 1895, P 457 (70.) Scott (T. and A.) " Notes on some rare Fresh-water and marine Copepoda from Scotland." Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1895, p. 233. (77.) Scott (T. and A.) " Some new and rare British Crustacea." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. xviii., 1896, p. 1. (78.) Scott (T. and A.) " Notes on Sunaristes paguri, Hesse, and some other rare Crustacea." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. xx., 1897, p. 489. (79.) Scott (T.) and Duthie (R). The Inland Waters of the Shetland Islands." Annual Reports of the Fishery Board for Scotland. Part I., 1895, in 13th Ann. Rep. p. 174. Part II., 1896. in 14th Ann. Rep. p. 229. Part III., 1897, in 15th Ann. Rep. p. 327. (So.) Scourfield (D. J.) " Males of Cladocera (Entomostraca) in Epping Forest." Science Gossip, vol. xxviii., 1892, p. 20.