THE ESSEX MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 339 cost not exceeding the sum named in Mr. Edwards' letter, with a view to its erection in time for opening with the Institute ; also that the proposal of the Essex Field Club with regard to the museum be generally accepted, subject to a satisfactory agreement as to matters of detail, and that it be referred back to your committee to consider and bring up for the approval of the Council, a scheme of arrangements." The report was passed unanimously, and the heads of the agreement were accordingly prepared by the Secretary of the Club in strict accordance with the proposals originally placed before the Corporation of West Ham. The Agreement was finally settled by Mr. Dare, the Hon. Counsel, and by Mr. H, I. Coburn, the Hon. Solicitor, in consultation with the Town Clerk of West Ham, Dr. Hilleary. It was approved by the Town Council and by the Council of the Club, and was signed and sealed on July 25th, 1898. By order of the Council, a full copy of this important document is set out below for the information of the members. The Corporation were advised that it was necessary to obtain Parliamentary powers enabling them to enter into the agreement with the Club, and to acquire land on which to erect the museum, and the following provisions were included in the West Ham Corporation Act, 1898, which received the Royal assent at the end of last session. After alluding to the purchase of " The Green," Stratford, for the purposes of the Technical Institute, the preamble proceeds :— " And whereas an offer has been made to the Corporation of a contribu- " tion to the cost of erection on part of the land so purchased and on a site " adjoining of certain buildings (hereinafter called 'the Museum Buildings') " subject to a condition (amongst others) that the said buildings shall be used "as a museum for the accommodation of the collections of the Essex Field " Club (hereinafter called ' the Club ') and it is expedient that the Corporation " be empowered to acquire compulsorily the said site for the purpose of such " buildings and to erect and utilise such buildings accordingly." Under Section 27 of the Act the Corporation acquire power to take:— " For the Museum buildings. Certain lands in the Parish and Borough " of West Ham in the county of Essex, situate on the north side of the Rom- " ford Road, known as No. 103 in that road." And under Sections 52 and 53, the following powers are conferred:— " 52 The Corporation may appropriate for the purpose of a building " for the accommodation oi any collections of instruments, specimens, maps, " books, pictures, engravings, articles, and things of the Club and other " purposes of a museum, any portion of the land known as' The Green, Strat- " ford,' referred to in part V. of the Act of 1893, and may erect thereon and on " the lands shown on the deposited plans and known as 103, Romford Road, a