340 THE ESSEX MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. " building to be used as a museum and for the accommodation and exhibition " of such collections in accordance with any agreement which may be entered " into between the Corporation and the Club and may accordingly fit up " furnish and maintain such building for such purposes and employ attendants " in connection therewith and may from time to time pay such attendants " such salaries or other emolument as they think fit." "53. The expenses of the maintenance and management of the museum " and museum buildings may be defrayed in the manner provided by Section "36 of the Act of 1893 with respect to the expenses of the Technical " Institute and Public Library, and all expenses incurred by the Corporation " under this part of this Act or in pursuance of any agreement made there- " under and not so defrayed (other than the cost of erecting the museum build- " ings) shall be paid out of the Borough fund." Some negotiations took place between the Technical Instruction Committee and Mr. Howard, Mr. Cole, and Professor Boulger representing the Club, in consequence of an alteration of the plans of the building by the Architects. Ulti- mately it was decided that the Club should have the whole of the ground floor (comprising the vestibule, the large hall, a smaller hall, and an alcove out of the large hall, together with a special room for the library and other offices) and one-half the basement. The Corporation to retain the whole of the galleries. The cost of the building as finally settled by the Architects, Messrs. Gibson and Russell, was computed at more than double the original estimate. The final settlement of the arrangement was announced by the following letter from the Town Clerk :— " Town Hall, West Ham, E., 30th July, 1898. " Dear Sir, " Adverting to your call here on Monday last I now beg to inform you " that the Council have approved the altered plans for the Museum Building " in the Romford Road which were then submitted to you, and have given the " Architects the necessary instructions to proceed to obtain tenders for the " erection of the building at an estimated cost of £6,ooo. " I am, dear Sir, " Yours faithfully, "FRED. E. HILLEARY. " W. Cole, Esq., " Essex Field Club, Buckhurst Hill." As above stated, the site of the Museum is adjoining the magnificent Municipal Public Library and Technical Institute, which now forms so conspicuous an ornament to the main (Rom- ford) road out of Stratford. On Thursday afternoon, Oct. 6th, after opening the Institute, Mr. Passmore Edwards, at the