THE ESSEX MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. 343 had taken in this matter, and particularly to Mr. Councillor Percy Alden, M.A., for his great services in connection therewith. To prevent misapprehension, it should be stated that the County Museum is quite distinct from the Club's Epping Forest Museum, which is established at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, under the sanction of the Corporation of London. It is hoped that the two Museums may be mutually helpful, the one being complementary to the other. Further progress will be reported in succeeding parts of the Essex Naturalist, and a paper on the objects, proposed arrange- ment and mode of working the Museum, with plans and full details, will be put before the members in due time. The appeal for the " Museum Purchase Fund" will also very soon be issued. Mr. W. Cole, F.L.S., F.E.S., has been appointed Curator, and all enquiries respecting the Museum, donations of specimens, &c, should at present be addressed to him at Buckhurst Hill, or at g, Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate, Essex. [Endorsement, ] Dated 25th July, 1898. The West Ham Corporation and The Essex Field Club. AGREEMENT as to the Museum of the Essex Field Club. AN AGREEMENT made the twenty fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight BETWEEN the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the County Borough of West Ham (hereinafter called the Corporation) of the one part and William Cole of Buckhurst Hill in the County of Essex the Secretary and Curator to an Association of persons known as the Essex Field Club (hereinafter called the Club) of the other part. WHERAS J. Passmore Edwards, Esq. has offered to con- tribute the sum of £2,500 towards the erection of a building adjacent to the Corporation's Technical Institute in the Romford Road Stratford Essex on land to be acquired by the Corporation on certain conditions including a condition that a portion of the said building shall be devoted to the accom- modation of the Club's collections. And Whereas such offer to contribute to the erection of a building has been accepted by the Corporation on the said conditions. HOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the parties hereto as follows:—The said William Cole undertaking and agreeing for the perform- ance and observance of the stipulations hereinafter expressed or appearing to be performable and observable by the Club. (1) THE Corporation shall devote the whole of the ground-floor and one half of the basement of the said building solely to the purpose of a Museum